June 21, 2019, by Katie Andrews

#INWED19: Achinie Warusevitane

To mark International Women in Engineering Day on Sunday 23 June, we spoke to some of the inspirational women here at the University of Nottingham’s Faculty of Engineering.


Achinie Warusevitane  
PhD Student
Gas Turbine and Transmissions Research Group

What inspired you into your career in engineering? 

Since childhood, I was always fascinated about how technology has become an enabler in our daily life, ranging from clocks that wake us up, to cars that take us to school and aero planes that fly us across continents. I wanted to explore this amazing field, which has grown by leaps and bounds since then, and make my contribution to the world of engineering. 

What project(s) are you working on at the moment? 

This project focuses on improving the CFD two-phase modelling capability for aero-engine intershaft seals. 

What impact is expected from the projects you are working on? 

The main aim of this project is to develop an approach that is both computationally efficient as well as highly accurate that can vastly help improve CFD modelling approaches for intershaft seals in aero-engines that remains a very understudied area. 

Is there anything you wish you were told about engineering beforehand?

That I won’t be a pundit in all aspects of engineering after four years in University. I wish I was told how diverse Mechanical Engineering is.. Also that an engineer’s life is a sinusoidal curve, with the peak lasting more than the trough.

What do you think other women need to know about a career in engineering? 

Women are naturally better strategists with creative ideas and faster innovation which are crucial elements of engineering. Engineering is not all about formulae and math, it’s about giving innovative solutions to real life problems at the lowest cost.

Posted in Engineering