Home away from home

“Eye opening”, “challenging”, “incredulous” are some words I would use to describe living away from home from the first time. There are many immediate contemplations most first-years would feel before coming to university. Living away from the luxuries of our own homes, facing the dares of managing oneself and studying a myriad of modules; is …

Hosting the Student Wilderness Medicine Conference 2017

The SWMUK Conference is one of the largest events in the Student Wilderness Medicine calendar, attracting hundreds of healthcare students, of all ages and experiences, from universities across the UK (and beyond!) The term “conference” is deceptive, however, and those expecting a sedentary weekend of lecture halls and awkward small-talk will be sorely disappointed by …

Medics’ Musical 2017 – West Side Story

The Medics’ Musical is one of, if not the most, well-known and loved student traditions here at Nottingham Medical School. Taken on by students during the Clinical Phase 2 element of the course (fourth year), the musical shows off talent of many varieties–from acting and dancing, through to organisational skills and even conducting and actual …

Student life and Medicine

Hi, Cat again! I’m going to be letting you know a bit about some of the great activities on offer for students in Nottingham. Societies Not all of your time at university has to be spent doing work for your medical degree, and the University of Nottingham is lucky enough to benefit from over 200 …


When I was at school I had it all planned out; my favourite subjects were art and graphics and I was going to carry on with those, become a graphic designer and maybe, just maybe, get the dream job of being designer for a glossy magazine. Then I did my work experience in the art …

Getting involved in volunteering

Hi everyone, Andrea again, hope you’re all having a lovely summer! In this week’s post, I am going to tell you about some of the volunteering societies run by medics at Nottingham, in particular Marrow! I am currently one of the co-presidents of Nottingham Marrow, we are the student branch of the Anthony Nolan charity …