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Posts by studentcontributor

Studying abroad

Hello from the Land Down-Under! It’s Jane here again! Although since my last blog post, I have moved 11,000 miles from home to the east coast of Australia for five months, for my Paediatrics and Obstetrics & Gynaecology clinical placements! At Nottingham, a large proportion of courses offer opportunities to spend some time studying abroad …

Welfare – who supports students?

Hi everyone, Hannah again. I’m writing in my role as Student Voice rep this week to tell you all about welfare things here at Nottingham. Hopefully it will be useful for both potential students and current students 🙂 Welfare here is organised both by students and the medical school/university. Medical students can obviously access all …

Top 10 Freshers’ Fails!

1. “I’ll leave all my revision notes till the end of term and do them all at once” Inevitably you will miss the odd lecture or you’ll sit through 4 hours of Behavioural Sciences and have no idea what you’ve just learnt. Make the most of the occasional free hour and do a bit of work …

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Top 10 things to do in the First Year

1. Make use of your amazing medic family! The medic parent’s scheme is one that’s been running for ages and there’s a reason for that; it truly is so successful. Whether you need someone to grab a coffee with you and take you through the hell that is MBM, you fancy a chat about everything …

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UCAS. One of the top words in the vocabulary of 17 year olds everywhere yet an acronym that, to this day, I’m still not sure what it stands for. With the deadline for Medicine applications fast approaching, anxieties are sure to be high. Thoughts may include: “should I have a fifth choice?”; “surely the University …

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A day in paediatrics

Hi everyone, it’s TJ again. Paediatrics is one of the specialities that future medical students get very excited about and also one of the ones that they enjoy the most so I’m going to tell you about what I’ve been up to in one of my busier days! 9am Cardiology tutorial- Today, one of the …

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When I was at school I had it all planned out; my favourite subjects were art and graphics and I was going to carry on with those, become a graphic designer and maybe, just maybe, get the dream job of being designer for a glossy magazine. Then I did my work experience in the art …

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More tips for the wards!

Hi everyone, Jon again with some more high quality wisdom for clinical placements! 3. Learn the surgical sieve This. Consultants have a habit of asking medical students what the causes of things are. My go-to move when that happens is to physically and mentally freeze up, look around me in a panic as if the …

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Tips for the wards

Hi there, my name’s Jon and I’m a fourth-year medic doing Specials at Mansfield at the moment. Equipped with six months and two weeks worth of hindsight, I’m hoping to provide some honest and practical tips to help you make the most of your clinical placements / work experience attachments. Even if you aren’t starting …

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What qualities make a good doctor?

This was a question I was asked during my med school interview at Nottingham. At the time, I reeled off the key qualities I felt were important, such as leadership, team working, communication and time-keeping skills as well as empathy. At the time though, I didn’t fully grasp how these qualities made a good doctor. …

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