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Posts by studentcontributor

Transition to Higher Education (Tips from a mature medical student)

What if I told you it was possible to study a classical subject, not be sheepish about your journey into university, study a subject you love and have a decent social life? Well, it is! I’m 23, in my 1st year of medical school, had a booming career before university and had lived on 3 …

BMedSci project: “A vision for the future of gross anatomy teaching at medical school”

There were a few central reasons why I chose to study Medicine at the University of Nottingham. The opportunity to obtain two degrees during the 5-year course, and the medical school’s teaching of Gross Anatomy through full-cadaver dissection classes, set Nottingham apart. To conclude my BMedSci degree, and the first half of my course, I …

Mission Zambia 2017

On the 26th of June, eight of us first-years set out to the other side of the world on our Mission Zambia trip. It was a total of 17 hours flying and an additional 3-hour drive to Mwandi, a small town in the Western Province, where we were based. The town was small yet buzzing …

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Medics’ Musical 2017 – West Side Story

The Medics’ Musical is one of, if not the most, well-known and loved student traditions here at Nottingham Medical School. Taken on by students during the Clinical Phase 2 element of the course (fourth year), the musical shows off talent of many varieties–from acting and dancing, through to organisational skills and even conducting and actual …

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My Clinical Phase 1 Experience

Hi, my name is Hayley and I am fourth year medical student on my Clinical Phase 2 placement. Moving to the clinical phases is an exciting time that us medics have been looking forward to the most- getting the patient experience and getting to do hands on tasks! It may also seem very daunting at the …

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I had a less than typical first year

My first year spanned 2 years… I had a less than typical first year of medical school; for a start, it spanned 2 years! During the first semester, I didn’t know what I was doing but I was determined to work hard. I set myself the task of watching every lecture again and making notes …

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A peek into 2nd year of medicine

Hey! I’m Shreyashi and I’m currently in 3rd Year. I thought that I’d share some insight into how 2nd Year was for my friends and I. 2nd Year starts off with you being plunged into the wonderful yet intense world of anatomy; covering the wonders of the digestive system, the nether regions, head, neck and …

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Fundraising for the Children’s Brain Tumour Research Centre

If you enjoyed doing charity work throughout your time at school, there’s no reason to give up this passion once you arrive at university! In fact, when I arrived in Nottingham two years ago, I was amazed at the variety of options available; whether you would like to donate your time or raise money, there …

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When Things Don’t Go To Plan… A Levels Result Day

With results day coming up, tensions can be running high, and the sense of trepidation might seem unbearable.  While I wish you the best of luck, it would be unwise to not approach the day with a sober sense of caution and sensible preparation.   You must consider well in advance what you plan to …

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Third year of medical school

My name is Hayley and I’m a fourth-year medical student. So, third year is quite a drastic change compared to the first two years at Nottingham- you’re no longer stuck in the lecture theatres! Third year is essentially split into two halves, the first half (September- February) is working on your BMedSci project; the second …

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