// Archives

Seven things you need to know about the new UKRI open access policy

As part of advancing culture change around publication, UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) has announced a new open access policy following consultation with various stakeholders, including research organisations, publishers, learned societies, librarians and individual researchers. Most publications that are required to acknowledge UKRI funding are in scope of the new policy. Tony Simmonds, Senior Research …

On trial: Church Missionary Society Periodicals and Archive

We are pleased to bring you trial access to Church Missionary Society Periodicals and Church Missionary Society Archive. Church Missionary Society (CMS) Periodicals covers items from 19th to 21st century from the CMS, Church of England Zenana Missionary Society, and the South American Missionary Society. CMS Archive is for use by scholars of missiology and global …

Discover our collections: Read all about it!

Did you know that there are more than 30 newspaper archives from around the world dating back to the 17th century amongst our collections? This blog post introduces you to some of the archives available while a complete list is available in NUsearch. Why would you use newspaper archives? Explore history through digitized primary sources …

NUsearch upgrade: improved navigation and saved search alerts

Find out about the new features in the latest upgrade to the university’s library discovery tool, NUsearch. The new features will be released on Monday 2 August. Improved display of results  You can now specify whether to display 10, 25, or 50 results per page.   There is the option to display the next/previous set of results by …