September 29, 2016, by Sarah
“Burne this lettre, for it is to dangerons…..” State Papers Online, 1509 -1714
We’re delighted to bring you news that all four Parts of British State Papers Online are now available.
A few years ago (before our blogging days!) we acquired Parts 3 and 4. We trialled Parts 1 and 2 in March, when usage surged at 6,984 full text downloads and 7,099 retrievals, giving a clear indication of how much you need the content. Towards the end of the financial year, we were fortunate to receive some grant money. Investing in Parts 1 and 2 seemed an obvious choice, one which made our historians down in Lenton Grove particularly happy!
Burne this lettre, for it is to dangerons, neyther is ther anything well said in it, for I think upon nothing but upon greefe if you be at Edinboroughe.
(Mary, Queen of Scots to ?? Jan. 24-26 1566-67. SP 53/2 f.65)
This ground-breaking online resource helps researchers understand two hundred years of British and European history, from the reign of Henry VIII to the end of the reign of Queen Anne. State Papers Online gives access to:
- Part I: The Tudors, 1509-1603: State Papers Domestic
- Part II: The Tudors, 1509-1603: State Papers Foreign, Scotland, Borders, Ireland and Registers of the Privy Council
- Part III: The Stuarts and Commonwealth, James I – Anne I, 1603-1714: State Papers Domestic
- Part IV: The Stuarts and Commonwealth, James I – Anne I, 1603-1714: State Papers Foreign, Ireland and Registers of the Privy Council
the miserable fellowe that shoulde have bin the bluddy executioner of that woefull tragedie was called Guie Faux.
(Nov. 13. 1605 ‘James I: Volume 16: November, 1605’ pp. 238-264)
More information about the collection is available here.
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