Student working at a computer

June 23, 2016, by Pauline

NUsearch upgrade and new web address

NUsearch has been upgraded!

This upgrade marks the start of NUsearch as a cloud service.


  • This will ensure that NUsearch benefits from round-the-clock support and maintenance.
  • The NUsearch you use will always be the most up-to-date version available. This means that we will be able to take advantage of the latest system and service enhancements immediately – delivering a better experience to you.
  • We have also taken the opportunity to make positive changes to the NUsearch interface as well as fixing bugs and other issues that have been reported.

New web address

NUsearch has a new web address:

NUsearch home page

Links to NUsearch across the library and University website are being updated. Anyone still linking to the old service will be automatically redirected to the new one until the website updates take effect.


The eShelf will continue to be available in the upgraded NUsearch, but unfortunately we are unable to migrate any eShelf accounts automatically from the old to the new service. We have been in correspondence with active eShelf users. Follow our step-by-step guides to re-create your eShelf content from saved data:

If you emailed a list of your old eShelf items to us, we will contact you soon and help you add them back onto your new eShelf.

Contact us

Please contact for any further help or information. We will be able to assist with queries about the old eShelf until 31st October 2016.

Posted in NUsearch