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Posts by Ross Wilson

Sustainability and the importance of interdisciplinary studies

What do you think about when you throw something away? You might be incredibly conscientious and think about how you might be able to recycle the empty contained or wrapper. You might think about how where the rubbish will go once it has been collected. You might even ponder the nature of our society that …

Keywords and Thoughts – The Things That Made Us

In the second podcast of The Things That Made Us we look at Raymond Williams’s classic work, Keywords. This is a fantastic introduction to the concepts and terms that will be used in classes for anyone studying at university. If you are unsure of the debates in seminars and lectures then Keywords offers you insight. It’s …

Diverse Thinking – A Liberal Arts approach

Over the last few weeks our Liberal Arts students have been working on maps of the city of Nottingham that explore how people create a sense of place in the city. The work is part of our work on Space, Place and Belonging in the City which is run in Year 1. We use the …

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Immigration and Identity: The Things That Made Us

We’re launching The Things That Made Us as a podcast to celebrate the things that move us, make us and change us. It’s open for anyone to contribute and we will have a series of guests over the next few weeks who will talk about their work and what matters to them. In our first …

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What does Liberal Arts in the UK look like?

Over the last few years Liberal Arts degree programmes have really taken off within British universities. There are now courses provided across universities with different focuses on humanities, sciences and languages. What brings them all together is a focus on how an interdisciplinary approach allows students to explore, develop new ideas and to think differently …

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What to do with a Liberal Arts degree

With graduation just finished for this year, we can think about what people go on to do after university and specifically what you can do with a Liberal Arts degree. As a Liberal Arts student, you work across a range of subjects. This prepares you to take advantage of a variety of career opportunities. Your …

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Liberal Arts in a Global Context: A Tri-Campus Conference

Over the past twelve months, colleagues in the UK, China and Malaysia have been working on developing Liberal Arts degrees and pedagogical approaches. The experiences of faculty, ideas for future developments and the work of students were shared and discussed during a tri-campus conference in Ningbo held on May 23rd and 24th. The meeting brought …

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Using field trips as learning labs!

As part of the Liberal Arts degree, we will engage with the following issues over the course of the three years of the programme: Time – an introduction to Liberal Arts Cities – space, place and belonging in the city Objects – understanding design and communication Identity – exploring migration and citizenship Power – assessing …

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Digital Tools and Interdisciplinary Skills

Over the last few months, Liberal Arts students have been working on a range of assessment exercises that develop their interdisciplinary skills. This is more than just knowing about English, History, Politics or Philosophy, for example. It is about joining up all those approaches to think across subject areas to create new solutions. We do …

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How to apply to Liberal Arts – Personal Statements

Every student applying to Liberal Arts will come from different backgrounds and they will have their own experiences and individual qualifications. That’s why we don’t look for specific A-Levels, International Baccalaureate profiles or their equivalents in any application. What we are interested in is why you want to explore issues across a range of subjects …

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