You can’t celebrate Chinese New Year without good food!

Today’s blog post is by Paula from Hong Kong, who is studying BA International Media and Communications Studies. Chinese New Year (CNY), also known as Spring Festival, is among all other festivals, the most important and the most widely celebrated one for Chinese people. No matter whether you are in China or abroad, doing something to …

Dietary requirements: where to find specialist foods in Nottingham

When you arrive in a new city or country there are many things that can be hard to adjust to. Among all these new challenges, one thing you may be concerned about is how to maintain a special diet in an unfamiliar environment. It can be difficult to know where to find foods that fit …

Student life in Nottingham – outside the library

Nottingham is the fourth destination of my academic life. After Athens, Amsterdam and Barcelona (where I did my bachelors, masters and research masters respectively) I took the decision to move here in order to pursue my PhD aspirations. Fortunately it wasn’t long until my concerns of whether this move was the right one (besides in …

Tips for international students: the best areas to live in Nottingham

Choosing a place to live can be exhausting and frustrating for students, especially international students. In general, the majority of first-year students move out of their catered halls and live with their close friends in a house, therefore here are some inside tips that will help you to choose a place to live for the …

“Eyup me duck!” Culture shocks and pleasant surprises

After graduating with a degree in Pharmacy in 2005 from Ghana, I worked for 7 years in Korle bu Teaching Hospital, the largest teaching hospital in my country. Even though I longed to further my education with an international second degree, the cost of studying in the UK was prohibitively high and out of reach …

Chloe’s Autumn in Nottingham – pancakes, pumpkins and pampering

As the weather starts getting bone-chilling, the night arrives sooner than later, I realize October has passed secretly and it’s already mid November! (which also means Christmas is coming soon!) Reviewing the previous month, it’s fulfilling and blissful as I have done quite a lot of things. Most of all, I have been trying to …

Ira Paulo Pozon’s advice to Nottingham students

Ira Paulo Pozon is Legal Counsel to the Vice President of the Republic of the Philippines. He studied LLM International Commercial Law at Nottingham in 2013-14, funded by Chevening Scholarships, and will graduate in December. This blog post is adapted from a speech Ira gave at our Scholarship Celebration for 2014 international scholarship winners on …

Life as an international student in Nottingham

When I first contemplated applying to study abroad, I will admit I was hesitant. It is expensive and six months seems like a long time to spend away from family and friends. Fortunately, I listened to the advice of a friend who had just completed from her own six-month exchange in Nottingham. She said: “If …

The top 5 places to buy everyday student essentials

If there are no pillows and duvet when you are sleepy, no cutlery when you are hungry, and no desk lamp when you study, it’s easy to feel at a loss. It took a week for my flat to be fully equipped. However, some items did not last long; for example, I used my first …

Beyond Batman and Robin Hood: Nottingham places to suit every mood

You can read Kuemju’s blog in Korean on Naver. There’s more to Nottingham than Robin Hood and Batman, which are the topics which most frequently come up when people think of or talk about the city. Instead, I’m going to talk about specific places which are perfect for when you are feeling a particular way. …