Creativity in Crisis
April 27, 2020
In these uncertain times, Ingenuity Lab members have been adapting their lives and businesses to the Covid-19 crisis in many different ways. On Tuesday April 21, the Lab hosted an online event, Creativity in Crisis, where industry experts and Lab members came together to share advice and talk about their own experiences during the crisis. Yasmin Gregory, who runs local wellbeing hub at1.SPACE, has successfully moved …
Welbeck Estate Trip
April 22, 2020
To mark the start of the Spring semester, students on the MSc Entrepreneurship Programmes at HGI embarked on a trip to Welbeck Estate. The purpose of the trip was to learn from the diverse entrepreneurial environment that distinguishes the area, as well as seeing some historic local landmarks and bonding with fellow course-mates. The day …
Ingenuity Online – Professor Simon Mosey
April 1, 2020
We define Ingenuity as ‘solving problems by thinking differently’ and we have never seen so much Ingenuity unleashed across the world. In a matter of weeks, and in some cases hours, decisions have been made and actions put in place that would previously have been considered impossible. At our University, we have closed virtually all …
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