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Research Fellow, Nottingham

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Posts by Lucy

The Helm Wind of Crossfell – part 2

Yesterday I set off for Great Dun Fell with Georgina, Gary and Sam, in search of the Helm Wind I wrote about in last week’s blog… and to test out both the route and technology for the narrated walk we’ve been working on. Rolling cloud was observed above the hills on our approach but, probably …

A day in the life of a geographer – Lucy Veale

The Helm Wind of Crossfell For this week’s blog I have decided to write about some of my current research for the Weather Walks, Weather Talks project. The project is focussed on the English climatologist, geographer, and avid long-distance walker Gordon Manley, with the main output a narrated walk for the RGS-IBG initiative Discovering Britain. …

A day in the life of a geographer – Lucy Veale

Since my last entry I have started work on a new project with Georgina Endfield called ‘Weather Walks, Weather Talks’. The project has actually been underway since March but I’m just involved with the second part, the outcome of which will be a guided walk and mobile phone application around Great Dun Fell in the …

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A day in the life of a geographer… Lucy Veale

My main event this week was a trip to Norwich for the workshop ‘Bringing Landscape to Life: Humphry Repton and Environmental Change’ at UEA. This was one of the main outputs of the project I am currently working on. The event began on Monday afternoon with a visit to Catton Park which is located just …

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A day in the life of a geographer… Lucy Veale

Since I last contributed to the blog I have started a new job as the named researcher on a project titled ‘Bringing Landscape to Life: Environmental Histories at Sheringham Park, 1812-2012’. Funded by AHRC, the aim is to address current debates about the implications of environmental change for the restoration, management and interpretation of publically …

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Location 4: East Lane, Bawdsey

Location 4: Bawdsey, Suffolk Today was the final day of filming; we had to record the introduction and conclusion to the film, as well as a number of voiceover pieces.  Following discussions with Simon yesterday, we decided that East Lane Bawdsey (around 20 minutes from Woodbridge) would be a good location to open and conclude …

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Location 3: Woodbridge, Deben Estuary

Location 3: Deben Estuary, Suffolk Our final interview stop was the town of Woodbridge on the Deben estuary, Suffolk coast, where we visited Simon Read, a visual artist whose work helps local communities to imagine what the future holds for Suffolk’s changing coast. Since 1980, Simon has lived on a sea going Dutch barge which …

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Location 2: Alkborough Flats

Location 2: Alkborough Flats, North Lincolnshire We spent Tuesday on the train, travelling from Falmouth to ‘sunny Scunny’ as the train manager proudly announced as we pulled into a rather cold and snowy Scunthorpe. After meeting Mike Pearson at our B&B we headed out to a pub in Brigg for some warming Lincolnshire sausages and …

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Location 1: Mullion Harbour, Cornwall

So we made it to Cornwall late last night and this morning set off for Mullion Harbour on the Lizard Peninsula, picking up cultural geographer Caitlin DeSilvey on the way. The film crew of Ben, Tom and Matt were already there, capturing cutaway shots of the harbour and surrounding dramatic coastal landscape. The day began …

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A day in the life of a Geographer … Lucy Veale

Sunday 5th February   This week I’m on a tour of the English coast with Professor Stephen Daniels. Weather permitting (I’m writing this from quite a snowy Beeston), we’re going to be visiting Mullion Harbour in Cornwall, Alkborough Flats in North Lincolnshire and the Deben Estuary in Suffolk – all by train as far as …

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