Achieving Participation in Medium Sized Groups
July 29, 2019
Here, Charles Crook talks about ways to stimulate a class of students into discussion, to feel confident about talking about the material that they are studying. He describes some tools for supporting groups in the classroom: A tool to pick a name out of a group randomly for someone to make some kind of contribution: …
Enhancing Graduate Success Via Facebook
July 15, 2019
Staff of the UoN Vet School recognised the great support students receive during their academic program was being sorely missed by recent graduates, so sought a way to keep the support going with minimal overhead – the solution was to try out a Facebook group for those entering the professional arena. This has been a …
Development of an Online Education Tool for Oncology
July 1, 2019
Targeting of radiotherapy by doctors has been identified as a significant factor in the quality radiotherapy, affecting cancer cure rates. Simon Duke, as part of a doctoral research project funded by Addenbrooke’s Charitable Trust (Cambridge), has been collaborating with Nottingham University and the EMBRACE-II cervix cancer trial group to investigate innovative ways of improving how …
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