Were you aware of new EU VAT regulations for exporting digital products and services to Europe?
February 17, 2015
On 1st January 2015, VAT thresholds were changed for UK businesses exporting digital products and services to Europe. Previously, businesses selling under £81,000 worth of products a year were exempt from paying VAT. In light of this, in the December 2014 Business Barometer survey, our panel of UK SMEs and business advisers were asked whether …
Has economic recovery improved business confidence for SMEs?
December 10, 2014
In September 2014 the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) reported a record-breaking high on the confidence index with a figure of +41 during the third quarter of 2014. Also, the Bank of England estimated a further growth of 3% in the UK economy in 2014. As a result, in the October 2014 Business Barometer survey …
National Minimum Wage vs Living Wage
April 4, 2014
In the February 2014 Business Barometer survey, our panel of UK small business owners and business advisers were asked about the effects of a potential rise in National Minimum Wage on their businesses and the feasibility of paying employees the higher living wage. The responses from small business owners were as follows: George Osborne has …
Late payments and small businesses
March 12, 2014
In the January 2014 Business Barometer survey, our panel of UK small business owners and business advisers were asked about the frequency of late payments made by customers as well as the businesses’ ability to pay suppliers on time. The responses from small business owners were as follows: Over the last six months, how has …
UK SMEs and Business Advisers on access to finance
August 9, 2013
The Haydn Green Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship runs two online UK business surveys: UK Business Barometer (UKBB) and UK Business Adviser Barometer (UKBAB). The results of the surveys are instantly processed and posted on their respective websites. In the July 2013 survey, UK SMEs and business advisers were questioned about access to bank finance. …
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