‘Teaching the teachers of tomorrow in Kuala Lumpur’- Induction Day1
April 24, 2014
Blog written by Dr Len Newton, Director of UG Programmes, PGCEI Tutor, School of Education. Monday 21st April An early breakfast then off to the teaching venue for Induction Day 1. Registration went well and all 33 of the students we had expected have arrived! We have a roomful of interesting people to get to …
‘Teaching the teachers of tomorrow in Kuala Lumpur’
April 7, 2014
This blog was written by Dr Len Newton, Director of UG programmes, PGCEi Tutor, School of Education PGCEi KL5 I’m excited! Over the last few weeks I have been reconnecting with the School of Ed’s PGCE International course (PGCEi), which I last taught in Lagos, Nigeria, in early 2009. Since then, this course, which …