PGCEi – How I learned to stop stressing and love the PGCEi
May 27, 2014
When I first decided to continue my studies back in 2011 I didn’t really have any idea how I wanted to do it. What to study, where to study it, and for how long? I had been teaching at a language school in Thailand for a little over a year and a half and one …
Shanghai 10 – Shanghai Normal University (SHNU) students’ activities at the School of Education (UNUK)
May 23, 2014
The students from Shanghai normal University have thrown themselves into the programme of seminars and school visits. The first day involved a tour of the University, seminars, and the exciting experience of getting a bus pass for the City. Since then, there has been no stopping them. Amid trips to the town, caves, museum etc, …
Shanghai 10’s Trip Preparation
May 21, 2014
Students from the School of Education (UNUK) share their planning and preparation for their two week exchange trip to Shanghai. We had a number of tasks to carry out in preparation for our departure to Shanghai- some were fun and some- not so much. The application for a Chinese visa was surprisingly stressful. You …
Shanghai 10 arrive
May 15, 2014
On Sunday night 10 students from Shanghai Normal University (SHNU) arrived at the University of Nottingham, with their teacher Professor Zhong, for a two week exchange programme. They are undergraduate teacher education students studying at SHNU, a leading teacher training institution. Two of the students specialise in early years education and the other eight …
Trainee teacher exchange Nottingham and Shanghai
May 13, 2014
Blog supported by Dr Jane Medwell, Associate Professor, School of Education and excited member of Shanghai 10. We are the Shanghai 10. Ten students taking part in the University of Nottingham exchange with Shanghai Normal University. What is it about? Well, everyone in education has heard about the results of the OECD Programme for International …
‘Teaching the teachers of tomorrow’- Good byes
April 24, 2014
Blog written by Dr Len Newton, Director of UG Studies, PGCEi Tutor, School of Education This has been a really good PGCEi Induction meeting! We have enjoyed lively discussions and debates in the whole group; really useful small group work and poster work; and small-group presentations to close the week’s work. The cohort have worked …
‘Teaching the teachers of tomorrow in Kuala Lumpur’- Induction Day1
Blog written by Dr Len Newton, Director of UG Programmes, PGCEI Tutor, School of Education. Monday 21st April An early breakfast then off to the teaching venue for Induction Day 1. Registration went well and all 33 of the students we had expected have arrived! We have a roomful of interesting people to get to …
‘Teaching the teachers of tomorrow in Kuala Lumpur’
April 7, 2014
This blog was written by Dr Len Newton, Director of UG programmes, PGCEi Tutor, School of Education PGCEi KL5 I’m excited! Over the last few weeks I have been reconnecting with the School of Ed’s PGCE International course (PGCEi), which I last taught in Lagos, Nigeria, in early 2009. Since then, this course, which …
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