May 26, 2016, by educationguestblog
Celebrating Teaching – MFL PGCE Alumnus
I qualified from the PGCE at The University of Nottingham two years ago and I was appointed at the school where I completed my teaching practice. Two years on and I am still here – I am in charge of KS3 Modern Foreign Languages. Alongside classroom duties, my role is to enthuse, encourage and promote languages from the moment our students arrive. The role is very demanding but is equally as rewarding! Every day brings new challenges which are reflected within my job.
The PGCE at the University of Nottingham allowed me to discover what sort of teacher I wanted to be. It gave me the skills needed to reflect, assess and deliver lessons accordingly. The support network is second to none – and ensures that all trainee teachers receive the advice and information they need. We aim to give our learners exactly this and to provide an authentic experience within the classroom and out of it. The school runs a yearly trip to France and we have just come back from the trip I organised to Moscow…seeing the students faces when they saw Red Square, or ordered their own blini was an unforgettable experience! We aim to create lifelong memories and a lifelong passion for languages.
The University of Nottingham is an exceptional place to kick start your career – and harness a lifelong desire for learning and teaching.
Shane Higgins
PGCE Modern Foreign Languages 2013-14
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