Author Post Archive
Matt Davies

Matt Davies

DTH Manager, Digital Transformations Hub, Humanities Building

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Posts by Matt Davies

DHC Volunteer Projects 2016 part two: The Digital Image Creators.

3D scanning on a budget. 3D scanning technology is coming down in price but can still cost tens of thousands of pounds. DHC volunteer Connor March, a third year Archaeology student, has been working on constructing a 3D scanner here in the DHC using a Kinnect camera from an Xbox, a photographic turntable bought from …

DHC Volunteer Projects 2016: The Digital Archivists.

Readers of this blog will know that besides working shifts in the Digital Humanities Centre helping out users, the DHC volunteers also work on projects over the course of the academic year. These tend to be themed around aspects of the DHC; digitisation, digital imaging, archiving and digital marketing. They provide the volunteers with work …

Life lines and Sewing World: DHC gets a mention in two publications in one week!

Life Lines book launch. On Wednesday 18th November I was pleased to attend the launch event for the Life Lines book at Nottingham Archives. This handsome and fascinating book brings together the individual research and discoveries of Life Lines; a group of Nottinghamshire amateur historians with a special interest in World War One. The book is …

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Volunteering in the DHC 2015; a Historian’s perspective by Depeeka Mistry.

History undergraduate Depeeka Mistry provides some initial impressions of the Digital Humanities Centre after a couple of months of volunteering. The Digital Humanities Centre is a hub of advanced technology and a haven for every Humanities student, from the outside it is a just a room, but inside it is a Tardis of new technology! …

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Introducing DHC Research Associate Lindsey Annable

Hi, I’m Lindsey, the new DHC Research Associate for this academic year. I will be available in the DHC on Wednesdays 11-5 and Fridays 10-5 to provide access to the equipment and software, and loan out equipment such as laptops, projectors and cameras. I also operate the A0 equipment for anyone who needs posters printed or …

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Digital Time Travellers: MayFest 2015 at the Digital Humanities Centre.

MayFest, Saturday May 9th – what a great fun day at the Digital Humanities Centre! The University of Nottingham’s Annual Mayfest 2015 saw the DHC undergo a great transformation…that is, into our very own time-machine! The many visitors who joined us on Saturday (9th May) became time-travellers and were digitally transported to the lands of Greek and Roman antiquity, but not before …

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Digitising the Lake District: the Maysons project by DHC Volunteer alumnus Craig Goodere.

“The Grandest Views: Models of Lakeland from Victorian Times to the Present Day” exhibition is showing at the Keswick Museum and Art Gallery from Monday 9 February to Sunday 17 May. It is based on a research project led by Dr Gary Priestnall – a senior lecturer at the University of Nottingham’s School of Geography …

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Tea, cakes and lace: Hearts of Heritage project update by volunteer bloggers Laura and Caterina.

Following a DHC meeting with local entrepreneur and craft maker Debbie Bryan in October 2014 (see previous blog) the DHC volunteers began work on the Heart of Heritage project. Supervised by DHC manager Matt Davies, volunteers Emerald, Kelly, Eleri and Research Associate Harriet have been busy digitising a selection of artifacts from Nottingham’s famous Lace …

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Model Making: Part two by DHC Leonardo Fellow James E Smith.

In my previous post I wrote about the scanning and video element of my work ‘Model’. In this post I’m going to focus on my first experience with 3D modelling software and 3D printing. From the scanning session with Marta I was left with an STL file. This is a ‘point cloud’ or in other …

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DHC Personnel and Projects 2014-15

There is a lot going on in DHC at the moment and now that the new Research Associate and Student Volunteer team are in place, and the projects well underway, I thought it time to provide an update. Research Assistant. History Post Graduate Harriet Davis is this year’s DHC’s Research Associate. Previously the role primarily …

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