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Medea’s picnic basket: Playmobil Argonauts

Prof Helen Lovatt writes: I have just submitted the final final draft of my book In Search of the Argonauts and am delighted to say that I have found them, now available in the UK  https://www.playmobil.co.uk/argo-and-the-argonauts/70466.html My children, now 17 and 14, did not own enough Playmobil, and I think I should rectify this error. …

The chase begins

(Ελληνικά πιο κάτω.) (Revised 01/09/20.) Chapter/issue 3 Continuing with our reading of Three by Kieron Gillen and Ryan Kelly, with historical consultancy from Stephen Hodkinson. SPOILERS FOR CHAPTERS/ISSUES 1-2 & (SLIGHTLY) 3 In the second chapter our three protagonists manage to turn the tables on the Spartans who are massacring the Helot household, and Klaros …

Helots on the run

(Ελληνικά πιο κάτω.) (Revised 01/09/20.) Chapter/issue 2 Continuing with our reading of Three by Kieron Gillen and Ryan Kelly, with historical consultancy from Stephen Hodkinson. SPOILERS FOR CHAPTER/ISSUE 1 & (SLIGHTLY) 2 In the first chapter, a drunken Terpander couldn’t stop himself from rubbing the Spartans’ noses in their city’s recent loss of hegemony in …

A tale of ancient Sparta

Join in! (Ελληνικά πιο κάτω.) (Updated 01/09/20.) If you have read – or would like to read – the graphic novel Three, by Kieron Gillen & Ryan Kelly (with Jordie Bellaire & Clayton Cowles), I invite you to join in an on-line ‘reading group’ over the next few weeks. Set in fourth-century BCE Sparta, Three, …

Frozen Charlotte and the night soil

Have you ever found pottery in your flowerbeds or when out on a walk? You think you’re miles from anywhere, and yet, there’s a little bit of blue & white pottery sticking out by your feet. So how does it get there? Gardens  In the case of your garden it could be from an old …

What to do while you wait for university: Classics Part I

If your A-levels have been cancelled, and you’re planning to start university in September, you might be feeling a bit at a loose end right now.  Helen Lovatt has put together some suggestions for things to do that will give you a head start for a degree in Classics, Classical Civilisation, Ancient History or Joint …

What to do while you wait for university: Archaeology

If your A-levels have been cancelled, and you’re planning to start university in September, you might be feeling a bit at a loose end right now. Will Bowden‘s put together some suggestions for things to do that will give you a head start for a degree in Archaeology, or just help to pass the time …


Welcome to the new blog for the Department of Classics and Archaeology at the University of Nottingham. We’ll be posting research updates, interesting articles and advice on studying across the full range of topics that we cover.