Why I decided to transfer from the UK Campus to China
January 26, 2015
By Louise Lasfer BA International Business Management When Louise Lasfer arrived at The University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) from the UK Campus it was meant to be a one-year exchange. So what motivated her to transfer her course and finish her degree here in China, rather than return to the UK? “If I’m honest, …
How to have a happy year abroad
October 27, 2014
By Shivali Mistry, MSci Accounting and Finance for Contemporary China As I embarked upon my journey to Asia last August, I felt highly unprepared. The idea of a year away from home still felt so surreal. Naively, I had dealt with the entire situation in a very relaxed manner. I began my voyage with a …
The End is Nigh
May 30, 2014
By Peggy Hennery, BA International Studies. Just a heads up, this will be, without a doubt, the cheesiest and most cliché filled blog post I’ve ever written. All year I have raved about the wonderful aspects of studying abroad, but now my year is coming to an end and I must admit, I’m pretty down about it. I am writing …
International students’ guide to making the best of UNNC
May 13, 2014
By Chin Yu Kwan, MSci Global Issues and Contemporary Chinese. The China of today is very different from the China of before – a country once closed off to the world has now opened its doors. As an international student it’s a chance of a lifetime to study at The University of Nottingham Ningbo China …
Studying abroad – it’s not scary, promise!
May 4, 2014
By Peggy Hennery, BA International Studies. Every student has a different reason for choosing to study abroad. When I get asked, I always have the same answer – I want to explore the world. It’s such a cliché, I know, but it’s true! Moving from my home to university was a big step, but once …
Korea->USA->CHINA: How my life started in China
July 17, 2012
My name’s MinYoung You. I am a third year student at The University of Nottingham Ningbo China, majoring in International Business with Chinese. As you can see from the picture, I am Asian. To be exact, I am from South Korea. I grew up in Seoul and when I was 16 I travelled to America …
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