May 30, 2014, by Student blogger
The End is Nigh
By Peggy Hennery, BA International Studies.
Just a heads up, this will be, without a doubt, the cheesiest and most cliché filled blog post I’ve ever written. All year I have raved about the wonderful aspects of studying abroad, but now my year is coming to an end and I must admit, I’m pretty down about it. I am writing this from my little room in UNNC’s campus in China, with very mixed emotions. Firstly, I am darn well happy the academic side of things is over. This year I actually worked hard, but now I have been reunited with sunlight and dinners with friends and all the other perks of being free. Secondly, I am looking forward to going home and seeing all the people important to me there. But finally, I am very sad to be leaving – both the university and my friends.
It’s true that once you start travelling, you’re always missing someone. All the different worlds you build are unlikely to ever collide and it becomes impossible to be excited about a new adventure without glumly missing another. For some reason, I kind of expected a momentous occasion on campus where all my Nottingham friends would leave and that would be that; I could look forward to my own summer. However, the reality is quite different. Of course, everyone has their own plan and their own way of saying goodbye. This means that every day I wake up and can expect more people to leave. I’m not really sure which method I’d prefer.
However, it isn’t all so bad! What’s happening right now is that all the friendship groups are dwindling, so the remaining students huddle together. I find I’m hanging out with people I’ve always considered friends but have barely gotten to know. Having everyone come together seems a remarkably fitting way to end such a short year.
As such, even with the lows and the sadness, this has been one of the best years of my life. I even consider the university and the teaching to be the best I’ve encountered. So whilst this may all sound gushy, it really is true. I have made genuinely good friends that I truly believe I will stay in touch with. Also, as I said previously, Skype and WhatsApp and all the other wonders of the modern world, that helped you to tell your mum you’re alive or your boyfriend that you miss him, will be exactly what helps you tell your friends you’re thinking of them. Plus, this year provides the perfect reason for a great reunion a few years down the line – anything for a party! So, although every hello is succeeded by a goodbye, it is the hellos that you will remember. Never miss out on a great opportunity because of the fear of leaving something behind.
This post originally appeared on Peggy’s blog, whatpeggywrote.com
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