Skydiving for brain tumours
November 9, 2018
Andie Shaw, PhD student writes……. Everyone says life is short and you only live once, but an article written by a girl my age, who had sadly recently lost her fight with cancer, really hit home for me. She wrote about making the most of every opportunity put in front of her and never saying …
The Great CBTRC Bake Off
October 5, 2018
Twice a year the CBTRC hold a research day to allow researchers to showcase their current work with other members of the team. The CBTRC Autumn event took place in the Nottingham University main campus pharmacy building on the 18th October 2018. This year the themes of the day included Molecular Neuro-Oncology, Drug delivery, Brain …
5 tips to surviving your first academic conference
May 24, 2018
We asked Hannah Jackson, a first year PhD student at CBTRC who recently attended the International Society of Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV2018) conference in Barcelona, to share her advice on making the most of an academic conference. Conferences, whether you are a student or a supervisor, provide a change from the lab and an exciting opportunity …
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