The Two Gentlemen of Verona (Two Gents Productions) @ Lakeside Arts Centre
May 25, 2012
Follow-up to Two Gentlemen of Verona; or, Vakomana Vaviri ve Zimbabwe (Two Gents Productions) @ North Wall Oxford from The Bardathon It’s been two and a half years since I last saw Two Gents Productions perform their debut show, and a lot has changed in the meantime. I won’t offer a full fresh review here …
Kupenga Kwa Hamlet (Two Gents Productions) @ The Oval House, London
November 20, 2010
Writing about web page Kupenga Kwa Hamlet (The Madness of Hamlet) began with Queen Gertred singing Hatina Musha, a traditional Zimbabwean funeral song. It ended with two jolly gravediggers suddenly collapsing, dead. Yet as bleak as this may sound, Two Gents Productions’ take on Hamlet found a warmth and vivacity in its relationship with …
Two Gentlemen of Verona; or, Vakomana Vaviri ve Zimbabwe (Two Gents Productions) @ North Wall Oxford
December 13, 2009
Writing about web page Two Gents Productions are a three-man company made up of performers Denton Chikura and Tonderai Munyevu, and director Arne Pohlmeier. As their name suggests, the company was founded as a result of the trio’s work on their devised production of Two Gentlemen of Verona, retitled Vakomana Vaviri ve Zimbabwe. While …
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