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King John (RSC) @ The Swan Theatre

I’d be lying to say that this is one of Shakespeare’s most popular plays. When Nos do Morro were invited to do a play in the Complete Works Festival, the only two left were ‘Two Gentlemen of Verona’ and ‘King John’- and to them, there wasn’t even a choice to make. So, the RSC quite …

Henry VI Part III (RSC) @ The Courtyard Theatre

It’s been a busy week for me in Stratford- ‘2 Henry VI’ and ‘Capulets and Montagues’ on Wednesday, long public transport nightmare trip on Friday, ‘Love’s Labour’s Lost’ yesterday and today, my second viewing of ‘3 Henry VI’. I’m quite glad I decided to see the Henries individually as well as the whole day event- …

Henry VI Part II (RSC) @ The Courtyard Theatre

I have to admit, this is my favourite part of the trilogy, and so the chance to see ‘2 Henry VI’ by itself today was one I was enormously looking forward to, especially as I again had a front row seat. And, once again, it didn’t disappoint. The ‘Henry VI’ trilogy are in contention for …

The Tempest (RSC) @ The Royal Shakespeare Theatre

Last night’s show was ‘The Tempest’ at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre, the third and final play performed by the company of ‘Antony & Cleopatra’ and ‘Julius Caesar’. The big draw tonight was, of course, Patrick Stewart as Prospero, but aside from that it’s the first of the romances to be shown as a full production …

Henry VI Trilogy (RSC) @ The Courtyard Theatre

Wow! Yesterday was another big ‘event’ day- the entire Henry VI trilogy in one day, starting at 10.30 in the monring and finishing just after 11 at night. And it was spectacular. I’m seeing the plays again, so I’ll save the detailed comment til then- here I just want to say a bit about the …

Henry VI Part I (RSC) @ The Courtyard Theatre

Tonight was my first visit to the new temporary theatre, the Courtyard, so was always going to be a slightly special occasion! The new theatre is really nice, and still smelled of varnish and new wood when I first went into it tonight. The double bar area is a genius idea that really cut down …

The Two Noble Kinsmen (RSC) @ The Swan Theatre

MAY 21ST 2006 (backdated) I had to get a lift into Stratford and queue for day tickets for this one, the first real ‘event’ piece of the Festival. The RSC Touring Company, currently travelling with Greg Doran’s production of ‘The Canterbury Tales’, stopped off for one afternoon in Stratford to do this, a special event …

Much Ado About Nothing (RSC) @ The Swan Theatre

MAY 16TH 2006 (backdated) ‘Much Ado About Nothing’ isn’t a play I know particularly well- I’d only seen one student production of it which was fairly good, but certainly hadn’t blown me away. So, I wasn’t expecting great things from the RSC’s new production of it, and I didn’t know any of director Marianne Elliott’s …

Julius Caesar (RSC) @ The Royal Shakespeare Theatre

First of all, I’m going to quickly rave about the value of the seat I got. For £5, I was in the fifth row, relatively central and right in front of the stage. It was the best view I’ve ever had in the theatre! And, even better, I’ve got the same seat booked for a …

Antony & Cleopatra (RSC) @ The Swan

APRIL 13TH 2006 (backdated) Whew. Well, as opposed to ‘Romeo and Juliet’, Doran’s ‘Antony & Cleopatra’ was a very traditional production, but very, very good. It says something that for its three hours length, I didn’t even notice that I was standing, the time just flew. Whereas the cast of ‘Romeo’ were dwarfed by their …