Nothello @ Belgrade Theatre
May 13, 2022
‘More effing M-words’ shouted out a disgruntled audience member during the closing scene of Othello, reacting to Emilia yet again referring to Othello as ‘The Moor’. ‘He’s got a name!’ the young man shouted. A steward attempted to intervene: ‘That’s enough.’ ‘I agree!’ countered the heckler. ‘You’re ruining it for everyone else’, the steward admonished …
Henry V (Propeller) @ The Belgrade Theatre, Coventry
May 7, 2012
Writing about web page Propeller’s ability to create community remains unsurpassed. Raising money for charity during the interval of last night’s Henry V, their rousing rendition of "The Wild Rover" was bolstered by a good hundred audience members, gathered in a cramped foyer space around a couple of acoustic instruments. The camaraderie between audience …
The Winter’s Tale (Propeller) @ The Belgrade, Coventry
May 5, 2012
Follow-up to The Winter’s Tale (Propeller) @ Sheffield Lyceum from The Bardathon A second visit last night to Propeller’s The Winter’s Tale, now in Coventry, both affirmed and complicated the thoughts in my original review of the Sheffield performance. Once more, the play combined some truly superlative performances with a joyous depiction of Bohemia. Thanks …
Richard III (Propeller) @ The Belgrade, Coventry
February 10, 2011
In stark contrast to last night’s interval concert, audience serenades and jovial banter, Propeller last night erected a stony wall between the audience and the stage. As Richard Clothier’s Richard delivered his "Was ever woman in this humour wooed?" speech, he limped about the stage and then paused. A woman in the front row was …
The Comedy of Errors (Propeller) @ The Belgrade Theatre, Coventry
A roar of dissent rose in the foyer of the Belgrade Theatre during the interval of last night’s Comedy of Errors, as the tannoy politely requested that audience members resume their seats for the second half. The roar came, however, not from reluctant audiences, but from the theatre company themselves. The men of Propeller had …
Days of Significance (RSC) @ The Belgrade Theatre
November 4, 2009
Writing about web page Roy Williams’ play debuted as part of the RSC’s Complete Works Festival back in early 2007, and it’s a pleasure to have the chance to revisit a production I enjoyed so much the first time round. The play has gone from strength to strength since its initial short run, and …
The Beggar’s Opera (Vanishing Point) @ The Belgrade Theatre
October 21, 2009
Writing about web page A recurring complaint raised at the recent reviewing conference was the tendency of reviews to prioritise directorial concept over all else, at the detriment of detailed discussion of acting, design, text and other elements. It’s a fair complaint, though perhaps inevitable when discussing productions of 16th, 17th and 18th century …
Othello (Northern Broadsides) @ The Belgrade Theatre
April 8, 2009
Writing about web page Othello publicity art The new Northern Broadsides production of Othello has caused something of a stir this year, with countless articles and interviews devoted to the novelty of one of Britain’s most beloved comedians, Lenny Henry CBE, jumping in at the deep end with his first theatrical Shakespearean role. Broadsides …
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