November 6, 2011
Writing about web page This is a reprint of my article "Much Ado about Anonymous", written for the University of Warwick Knowledge Centre and published here. Shakespeare scholars have been outraged about Roland Emmerich’s new film since filming first began. Anonymous tells the story of Edward de Vere, Earl of Oxford (Rhys Ifans), who …
The Summoning of Everyman (Shakespeare Institute Players) @ Holy Trinity Church
August 20, 2011
Everyman is a genuinely powerful text. Whether you’re religious or not, this anonymous medieval morality play gets to the absolute nub of the big questions. What can we take with us? What is the point of life? And at the end of it all, are we ultimately alone? The Shakespeare Institute Players made a virtue …
The Globe Mysteries @ Shakespeare’s Globe
August 16, 2011
Writing about web page The Bardathon is going medieval on its readers this week. On Friday I’ll be seeing Everyman performed over Shakespeare’s grave in Holy Trinity Church, and this afternoon, on a whim, I took a break from referencing in the British Library to catch the Globe’s new production of Tony Harrison’s Mysteries …
Arden of Faversham (Em–Lou Productions) @ The Rose Theatre Bankside
June 23, 2010
The programme for this year’s second Arden of Faversham, at the Rose in Bankside, advertises it as "England’s Oldest Tragic Comedy" (as opposed to tragicomedy, which of course the play is emphatically not). While tragic comedy sounds like something Bottom might put on, it’s not a bad description of a play which is unavoidably funny …
Arden of Faversham @ The Emlyn Williams Theatre, Theatr Clwyd
February 20, 2010
This production marked a long overdue return to Theatr Clwyd for me, a theatre I haven’t visited since it was my local as a schoolboy. It’s perhaps a shame that it took a rare production of an apocryphal play to drag me back, but hopefully I’ll be able to remedy this with future visits. Terry …
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