September 21, 2006, by Peter Kirwan
Cymbeline (Kneehigh) @ The Swan Theatre
Without beating around the bush, this production was simply breathtaking, one of the most complete pieces of theatre I’ve seen in a long time, and the perfect antidote to the sober and dull ‘Measure For Measure’ of last week. I’ve seen a lot of Kneehigh Theatre’s work in the past, but this was without the best I’ve seen so far, and one of the highlights of the Complete Works Festival too.
Out went Shakespeare’s text, to be replaced by a new and vibrant modern-language text by the company. Kneehigh’s approach is an ensemble one, heavily rooted in music, physicality, direct storytelling and a wicked sense of humour, and they cut straight to the heart of the text.
It’s not everyone’s cup of tea, and Act One saw the most walkouts I’ve noticed yet for any production. If you’re not expecting it, an Italy filled with drag queens and loud dance music, an introductory exposition from an elderly housewife called Joan and a singer dressed as a chav bellowing from the balcony can be quite intimidating.
Where this production scored most highly was in the detail. A remote controlled car (which features prominently on the promotional poster) delivered the post; men in anoraks watched the unfolding action with massive hand-held spotlights; the Queen carried a box of medication around with her at all times with which she influenced her men. In terms of visual interest, there was never a dull moment.
Larger set-pieces included an extended wordless opening, with flowers, photographs and teddies pinned up to the set in rememberance of Cymbeline’s kidnapped children, a war which focused on a massive board game around which Cymbeline moved his troops and blew things up, a beautiful song in mourning for the two ‘dead’ bodies and a spectacularly choreographed wooing and bedroom scene where Imogen and Iachimo moved around each other in a slow yet amazingly fluid dance.
Elsewhere, there were fantastic character moments- the Queen and Cloten shared a few shiveringly inappropriate moments, Imogen’s cries of “Where’s his head?” moved from the funny to the unbearably tragic, Cymbeline shook off the Queen and donned his suit in preparation for war and Pisanio – here a maid – fell for Iachimo and killed a (puppet) deer brutally onstage.
This was about the ensemble and the finished piece rather than any individual performance, though. Kneehigh are storytellers, and this production entertained, moved, enthralled and made a difficult and little-known play one of the most exciting productions of the year. Truly special.
Saw this last night and really really enjoyed it. Didn’t know the story beforehand but the production was absolutely hillarious and very different to almost anything else I have seen at Stratford. Surprised about the number of walk-outs at the performance you saw, everyone last night seemed to be having a great time and appreciating the slightly risqué humour. Thought that the company used both the musical themes and narrative, and the intimate space to great effect, making the complecated story accessible to all. It’s the first Kneehigh performance I have seen but I will be definitely be keeping my eyes open for future productions.
I saw this production twice as i am a huge Kneehigh fan but i actually felt that the production and its representations of certain characters was severly flawed and in some ways unethical. For example the queen is wicked and therefore is addicted to drugs as well as having a broad yorkshire accent, i feel that this is a very exclusive representation that is clearly aimed at being understood by a middleclass audience. In fact i would go so far as to say i felt out of place in the audience who chuckled away and ate their home made flapjack. Surely a company like Kneehigh who is proud of being Cornish (the poorest county in England) and want to expand theatre audiences should realise that in order to draw more audiences in we should stop makign theatre that is unnaccessible to the majority.
i saw this production in october last year i thought that this production was absaloutly fantastic!! they inspired me soo much. and these actors\ actresses are so talented also IACHAMO!! IS HOT!!!!! WOOOOOOOOO my god that character is hilarious and the actor is a amazing actor with a very nce back haha anyway i would go and watch again and again and i definately advice people to and watch it and if u dont you just dont know what you’re missing!!!! oh and the singer who is also imogens brother is also well fit!! they show is a fantastic show and also full of a lot of hunks woooo x x x x x