Ailsa Mitchell
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IAPS Blog Assistant Paid Internships
November 22, 2016
Salary: Approx. £10 per hour (plus holiday pay) Location: Residence in Nottingham is not required Hours: 10-15 hours per month About The Institute of Asia and Pacific Studies is seeking applications for four paid internships to work with the Editor of the Institute of Asia and Pacific Studies’ soon-to-be-launched new blog platform – IAPS Dialogue …
Conferencing in Dhaka
October 7, 2016
Written by Carole Spary. I recently had the privilege of participating in a conference on ‘Inclusive Governance in South Asia’ in Bangladesh on 8-9 May in the capital Dhaka. The conference was organised by Professor Nizam U. Ahmed, Chief Co-ordinator of the Public Administration and Governance Research Network and Professor at the Department of Public …
Neoliberalism’s Exploitation of Women Workers: the true price of our clothing
September 7, 2016
We are delighted to announce that recent School of Politics and International Relations graduate Zoe Kemp is the winner of the Tomlinson 2015/16 BA dissertation prize for the best dissertation on Asia. Congratulations Zoe! The award will be presented at the Tomlinson 2016/17 Annual Lecture. Below we have reproduced with permission a blog post written …
Ethnic tourism in Vietnam
August 16, 2016
Written by Esther Bott. Thanks to generous IAPS seed-corn funding, my study leave got off to a brilliant start in February with a successful research trip to Sapa in northern Vietnam. The purpose of the trip was to generate pilot data on ethnic tourism, a niche market that is growing rapidly in Vietnam and other …
Impressions of Identity in Myanmar
July 12, 2016
Written by Carlotta Panchetti. I let two weeks pass before putting some thoughts on (digital) paper to elaborate on my 3 weeks in Myanmar. Due to the country’s size (it is in fact the fourth biggest country in the world) and the difficulties in transportation, I only had the chance to scratch its surface, spending …
Philippine Election Blog 2016 – The End
May 13, 2016
Written by Francis Domingo and Pauline Eadie. In late 2015 we started musing over the idea of running a series of articles about the Philippine Elections in 2016 for Ballots and Bullets, a blog run by the School of Politics and International Relations at The University of Nottingham. We knew that the official campaign would …
Prominent feminist activist Kavita Krishnan to give 2015/16 Tomlinson Lecture
February 5, 2016
Written by Carole Spary. Our 2015/16 Tomlinson Lecture speaker is Kavita Krishnan. Kavita is the Secretary of the All India Progressive Women’s Association and a politbureau member of the CPI(ML) Liberation Party in India. She is a prominent feminist, left activist and campaigner on a range of interrelated issues, in particular women’s rights in India. …
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