January 19, 2017, by Matthew Lumley
Much more than learning a language: Why is OLLE so popular?
Marion Sadoux, Module Convenor
What exactly is OLLE?
OLLE is the short name for the Peer Supported Online Language Learning Exchange. At the Ningbo Campus it is a very special Nottingham Advantage Award module as it was the first Award module designed in partnership with students, and for the past two years has continued to be managed and delivered with student partners. The vis-à-vis student organisation plays a huge contribution to student life and experience at Ningbo as it supports buddying, coaching and peer learning.
Why is it more than learning a language?
OLLE is about collective learning beyond linguistic, cultural and geographical barriers. With OLLE, students from our UK Campuses, Malaysia and Ningbo can learn a language together online. The focus of OLLE is to help you develop a strong set of language learning strategies for life. You will be provided with exciting opportunities and resources, and have access to a wide range of digital tools.
Mostly OLLE is about empowering you to take control of your language learning and to discover new ways of learning. This module is also a great way to make new friends from around the globe.
How can you take part?
Applications are open now and close Monday 30 January 2017. Transform your language learning and unlock a gateway to global future opportunities, join OLLE now and be part of its global community of learners.
“I really enjoyed this experience and I would definitely recommend this module to my other friends. I think it’s a great opportunity, not only to meet new people and learn about new cultures, but also to challenge yourself to go out and find tools to learn or practice a language. Although I really love learning new languages, I have always been taught in a classroom, so it was a bit of a challenge to have to do this through a computer. Nonetheless, I feel like it has helped me improve both my French and my Mandarin, and now I have the motivation and confidence I was lacking to learn by myself.” Student
OLLE is a tri campus Nottingham Advantage Award module, so why not join, learn a language and meet the world?
Key dates
Application start date: Open
Application deadline: Monday 30 January 2017
You can apply here.
More module information can be found here.
You can keep up-to-date on the Nottingham Advantage Award via social media, so please like and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
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