October 13, 2016, by Matthew Lumley

Inspiring Young People: Mentor the Next Generation

Pete Bruce, Module Convenor

“As a participant [myself] of the [Summer School] scheme, I was able to gain a realistic insight into life as a University student, attend lectures with leading academics and have a University student mentor me through my UCAS application. The experience inspired me to follow my dreams to study at University. Having reaped the benefits of the scheme, being a Student Ambassador [now as a UoN student] helps me pass on this experience to the next generation. Working on the scheme has improved my confidence in interacting with large groups as well as developing my teamwork and leadership skills. Finally, it gives me a great sense of fulfilment helping the next generation secure their dreams of studying at University.” Adil – 3rd year Medicine student

Do you want to develop transferable employability skills? Would you like to find a way to refine your communication, planning, leadership and reflection skills? Becoming a mentor through the Nottingham Advantage Award is not only a rewarding experience, but it will also help you do all of the above.

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At the University of Nottingham, many students are involved in schemes to support and inspire – mainly local – young people to raise their attainment and to consider University as a serious option for their future. Students on these schemes regularly talk about how rewarding they find mentoring a young person, supporting a teacher in a local secondary school, showing a group of young people around the University or working as part of the Summer School team.

The benefits you can provide to the young people are invaluable. Not only will you increase their confidence, but you will also gain some understanding of the education system and the available careers in education.

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My (Year 7) mentee [on IntoUniversity] was very quiet and subdued when we first met, but over our time together I have seen her come out of her shell and grow massively in confidence, which has been very rewarding to be a part of. Not only has her confidence grown but mine has also, in terms of communication and leadership skills. Being a mentor has been an amazing experience which I am very grateful for.” Samantha – 2nd year Psychology student

If you are already working on any of the Widening Participation schemes – Learning Leaders, IntoUniversity volunteering, Student Ambassadors, Students in Classrooms Associates, Students in Classrooms Mentoring, Summer School Ambassadors, Summer School e-Mentoring –  your work can be accredited for the Inspiring Young People module. You can request a module application form from the Module Convenor. If you would like to work on one of our schemes, please visit the inspire students page –recruitment for these schemes is usually within the first few weeks of the autumn term.

Our young people need to be inspired so do sign up to one of our schemes and then to the Inspiring Young People module – you won’t regret it!

Key Dates

You can register at any time in the year, and choose to submit in either November or April. However, the module must be completed within a 12-month period.

November 2016 submission

Training date: Wednesday 19 October 2016

Submission deadline: 5pm, Wednesday 9 November 2016

Presentations: Monday 14 and Tuesday 15 November 2016

April 2017 submission

Training date: Wednesday 15 March 2017

Submission deadline: Wednesday 29 March 2017

Presentations: Tuesday 4 / Wednesday 5 April 2017


More module information can be found here.

You can keep up-to-date on the Nottingham Advantage Award via social media, so please like and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

Posted in News