January food for thought
January 23, 2015
Nearing the end of January you are probably already wondering where the time disappeared to. Was it really a month ago that you were saying a cheery Merry Christmas to your friends and colleagues as you made a mad dash to the door to begin your Christmas break? What happened after the festivities, did you …
Knowing me, knowing you – part IV
August 1, 2014
Welcome to the fourth blog in our get to know you series. Today we feature…. Name Jill Bennett How long have you worked here? I have worked at the King’s Meadow campus at the University for 9 years. During this time I have always been employed with Community Partnerships although my role has evolved quite …
Knowing Me, Knowing You Part III
July 18, 2014
This is the third of our get to know you series which this time features… Name: Kryssa Roycroft What do you do? I’m the newest member of the team and joined Community Partnerships just over two weeks ago. I am responsible for the administration of the Catalyst project, which helps to promote, facilitate and …
Nottingham Skillsbank
June 2, 2014
Our new blog is a guest blog written by Caroline Berrill from Nottingham Community and Voluntary Service. She writes about Nottingham Skillsbank which is a new service co-developed with The University of Nottingham’s Community Partnerships Team. It focuses on bringing together skilled volunteers and community organisations in Nottingham. Skillsbank was germinated at a meeting at the …
The rewards of collaboration
April 10, 2014
Having worked at the University for 13 years in Community Partnerships and its predecessor Active Communities, I’ve had very many rewarding experiences. These have largely involved students and staff sharing their time and skills with the local community who in return have shared what they know and have to offer. There are too many highlights …
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