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Distance Learning Summer School 2012

25-29th June 2012 More than 20 students, including those from both our on-site and distance learning programmes, participated in this year’s Summer School. It was a great experience for everyone involved. It was the perfect opportunity for the distance learning students to meet their tutors and other students, share experiences and expand their knowledge about …

Alison Moore and Megan Taylor: From First Draft to Publication

Alison Moore and Megan Taylor came to the university on Wednesday 2 May 2012 to read from their most recent works and discuss the process of writing and publication. Alison Moore began the session by discussing how she began her career with short stories published in various magazines and anthologies, including Best British Short Stories …

Jon McGregor: A short talk about the short story

Honorary lecturer, Jon McGregor, came into the school on Thursday 22 March 2012 to give a short talk about the short story. This talk was the first in a series he will be giving here. Jon McGregor’s new short story collection, This Isn’t The Sort Of Thing That Happens To Someone Like You, led the …

Alan Warner: Narrative Voices, Scene Construction & Landscape in Writing

Alan Warner came to the university on Tuesday 20 March 2012 to discuss the writing process and read from his work. Currently a Writer in Residence at the University of Edinburgh, Warner has written numerous short stories and six novels including Movern Callar, which won the Somerset Maugham Award and served as the basis of …

The Battle of Brunanburh Revisited

In this special extended Norse and Viking Seminar,  on Wednesday 26 October 2011, Paul Cavill, Michael Wood and Alex Woolf discuss the Battle of Brunanburh: its location, its historical significance, and the linguistic, literary and historical evidence. Paul Cavill is Lecturer in Early English in the School of English at the University of Nottingham, Michael …

Kerry Young: The Challenges of First-Person Narration

Kerry Young came to the university to read from her debut novel and to speak about writing and publishing. Originally from Kingston, Jamaica, she has spent much of her career focusing on the writing and editing of non-fiction such as The Art of Youth Work and other professional publications, as well as chapters and articles …

Justin Hill: The Writer in China

Justin Hill came to the university for a series of events in May 2011. As a non-fiction writer Hill has written about Eritrea in Ciao Asmara and China in two works, A Bend in the Yellow River and The Drink and Dream Teahouse. His fiction includes Passing Under Heaven, a novel set in ancient China, …

Double Falsehood: Shakespeare’s ‘Lost Play’

On Monday 11 October 2010, Nottingham Playhouse hosted ‘Lost Shakespeare Day‘ showcasing the first public reading of the Jacobean play ‘Double Falsehood’. Professor Brean Hammond, Professor of Modern English Literature in the School of English, has been working for 10 years to prove that a play presented at Drury Lane in December 1727 contains the …

Adapting DH Lawrence’s ‘Women in Love’

The screenwriter, playwright and actor William Ivory received an honorary doctorate from Nottingham in 2009, and came back to the university on 17 March 2011 with the television producer Mark Pybus (whose parents are both graduates from Nottingham) to discuss the new BBC/Company Pictures version of Women in Love. The television film will be shown …

Patricia Duncker: The Writer’s Unwritten Contract with the Reader

Patricia Duncker came to the university on 24 February 2011 to deliver a talk entitled ‘The Writer’s Unwritten Contract with the Reader.’  Currently a Professor of Contemporary Writing at the University of Manchester, Duncker has written numerous works of fiction and criticism while also serving as editor of Honno, The Welsh Women’s Press. Drawing on …