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再见 Ningbo

So this is my final blog post, quite a while after I have left Ningbo to travel Southeast Asia (Vietnam, Thailand, Hong Kong and Bali, Indonesia). I finished my exams –okay, my one exam- in late May (fantastically early compared to those back on the UK campus) and began to make the most of my …


As things get increasingly more hectic before the end of term, it’s always more difficult to keep on track of what I’ve done and where I’ve been, but since the last post, I’ve visited Beijing and most importantly, seen the Great Wall! Beijing is a great city; where Shanghai has a slick, modern feel, Beijing …


Shanghai is a compelling city. The colourful streets are bustling with street sellers, fruit shops, market stalls and dumpling stands wherever you look and whether it is dawn or dusk it seems the whole city is streaming with shoppers, workers, tourists and locals. It would be a lie to say Shanghai comes alive at night simply because there doesn’t seem …

Settling In

So this week I started my academic term at Ningbo. I take four modules here, pretty much the same as at Nottingham UK but without Analysing Performance and Old English, and with a different module: Approaches to Language and Literature. This module, taught by self-professed J.K Rowling cynic and feminist Derek Irwin, is a colourful …

你好 Ningbo

I’ve been at Ningbo for four days now, and the first impression I have of China is that truly, it is like nowhere else on Earth. I came from the School of English at Nottingham to the Division of English at Ningbo for this Spring Semester and when I tell other international or domestic students …

National Storytelling Week

National Storytelling Week brings back memories for me, though not the kind you’d expect, as I recently picked up a copy of D.T. Max’s Every Love Story is a Ghost Story: A Life of David Foster Wallace. I first heard of David Foster Wallace in the Spring of 1996 when Infinite Jest hit the bookshops …

Place-Names, Languages and Sculpture

I came to the University of Nottingham in June of this year to take up a research fellowship position with the Digital Exposure of English Place-Names project in the Institute for Name-Studies. My primary research focus is on place-name and landscape studies, but as an early medieval historian I have a variety of long-standing academic …

Alison Moore & The Man Booker Prize

Back in May, fellow author Megan Taylor and I gave a talk at the University of Nottingham called ‘From First Draft to Publication’. I talked about my debut novel The Lighthouse, the first copies of which had just been printed. One of the things I spoke about was the fact that my publishers, Salt, had entered …

Just a Gigolo

A few years ago I wrote a play called EMPTY BED BLUES about D.H.  Lawrence and his wife, Frieda, which centred around the “true” – if somewhat controversial – story that Lady Chatterley’s Lover was inspired by Lawrence’s painful discovery of his wife’s love affair with Angelo Ravagli, their gardener in a rented villa in …

Out of the Shadow of Shakespeare

Shakespeare casts a long shadow. Particularly in this Olympic year, he’s absolutely everywhere – in a new exhibition at the British Museum, in the World Shakespeare Festival of performances taking place around the country (which I’ll be revisiting in my next post), and even during the Opening Ceremony of the Olympics themselves, which is based …