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Career Curiosity

We are always changing. Always discovering new paths and deciding whether to pursue them. We’re on a train journey of deciding whether to get off at that station and explore the landscape or stay on the train to see what lies ahead. Most importantly, we are all different. We are all getting off at different …

Life-lessons from F.R.I.E.N.D.S.

Still one of the most watched TV shows, ‘Friends’ has somehow remained relevant. It’s popularity among younger audiences is undeniable, and has become a go-to when it comes to binge-watching a comfort programme. It is one that our generation has grown up with and makes us nostalgic for a time before us. I have recently …

Ask a Busy Person

“How do you find the time?” I’m asked this often. I’ve worked full-time in heritage for 20 years, I’m a trustee for a local charity and I have a side hustle. Nothing unique about that, but there’s a saying in my network that if you need something doing ask a busy person. To be honest …

A Student’s Search for Presence

When we establish a routine, it almost feels like nothing in the world could ever disrupt our rhythm. The rhythm of lectures, seminars, workshops. The rhythm which binds us on a set journey towards a certain career. Some time ago, I would have shunned this rhythm. This monotony. Yet, I realise that none of it …

A Guide to Fresher’s Fear

Freshers week. A few months ago these two simple words would make me feel an all-encompassing sense of dread. Even voicing the phrase was enough to make my mouth dry up a little. However, at present, I can proudly state I am a true survivor of this worrisome week and am offering to share some …

Reading: A Guide for Undergraduates

With most English undergraduates taking six modules per year, and each module carrying its own hefty reading list, it can be difficult to know how best to stay on top of such a daunting workload. Most of us are taking this course because we love to read, but finding time to read for pleasure can …

Having a ‘creative block’? How to stay creative when immersed in an academic world.

The University of Nottingham is a brilliant place. We are spoiled with an academic environment full of specialists, passionate about the subjects they teach. We are encouraged to read deeply and broadly, be inquisitive, be critical, be this and be that. I sometimes find myself so focused on the academic side of the course that …

How to Spend Your Christmas Holiday

With Christmas holidays coming up and assessments looming, many of you might be concerned with how best to spend the one-month break. Depending on your degree, you may be facing upcoming exams or coursework deadlines, in which case the holidays might look like a black hole of stress. Some of you may already be planning …

Summer reading check list…

This blog was written by second year English student, Emily Hall. As the expanse of summer stretches out before us, many people will look forward to different things. Holidays, parties, weddings; all of the summer fun you can imagine. Perhaps something less common, but a relief for English students is knowing that you can finally …

Must Read (non-academic) Books This Summer

This blog post was written by final year English student, Hannah Smart.  Whilst most students on most other courses will give a collective sigh of relief at the thought of not having to read anything particularly exhaustive until next semester, here in the School of English, we cannot wait to get our heads into another …