Coffee at 200 degrees

June 30, 2015, by Sunita Tailor

My Love Affair with Coffee

This blog post was written by second year English student, Katie Randall from the School of English.

Before I came to University, I already had a relationship with coffee. I enjoyed waking up on a Sunday morning and sipping on a mug of the steaming hot stuff, tucking into a bacon sandwich and watching comforting breakfast telly in my dressing gown. I couldn’t walk past a Starbucks without popping in for a Frappuccino, and coffee was my choice of drink to help me power through A-Level assignments, an intensive shopping trip or painfully early shifts at work that had me on the Tube at 6am.

Coffee at 200 degrees

Coffee at 200 degrees

Now don’t get me wrong, I can understand why people don’t like coffee (although the fact that some people prefer tea is something I cannot and will not come to terms with). Not being a coffee drinker does have its benefits – no caffeine rush that leaves you feeling more than a little woozy and you save money (you don’t have to fork out £3.20 in a coffee shop when the pot of Nescafe you have at home probably only cost about 80 pence more!) However if you loved coffee, like me, before coming to University, when you arrive in September you might find that your relationship will develop to a whole new level, and it is a relationship definitely worth the extra cash.

During a long library stint you’ll find yourself looking forward to your lunch break so you can escape to the café and grab yourself a cup to keep yourself going – although by no means is Hallward the coffee hot spot on campus – there are lots of other places! In the winter, when it can slightly harder to jump out of bed in time for those 9am lectures, coffee will be your saviour, and if you need to grab one on the go there are plenty of machines on campus where you can get a latte, cappuccino, mocha or drink of your choice for just a £1!

Coco Tang’s Espresso Martini!

Coco Tang’s Espresso Martini!

Although coffee has its practical uses (keeping you awake in lectures!) there are plenty of places both on campus and in the town centre where you can go to actually enjoy it. If you’re on campus head to Trent Café for coffee with a view, as it looks over the beautiful Highfields Lake, and does great bagels too. If you’re in town you might want to pay a visit to the 200 Degrees Coffee Shop just off Market Square, or Wired Café as they both serve excellent coffee and have great atmospheres. If you’re really devoted you can even start having coffee on nights out: Coco Tang do an amazing Espresso Martini which is my new favourite thing ever.

Walk around the Lake



Wired Café Nottingham

Wired Café Nottingham

I think it’s clear from this post just how much I love coffee, and if any of you are in love with it as much as me, I hope I’ve managed to give you some good recommendations of the best places to get your fix! Happy coffee drinking everyone!

[Featured images from:]

Posted in Student Words