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Getting into the archive: Sherwood Forest and the ‘hurricane’ of 1714

Storms and tree damage Damage to trees is one of the more common impacts of storms recorded in the documentary record. The loss of trees is a very visible sign of an extreme weather event that can cause significant changes to the landscape in a short space of time – a number of trees were …

Getting into the archive: John Harrison’s notebook

  Meteorological phenomena were understood and comprehended differently at different points in time. In the early modern period, for example, detailed descriptions of violent storms, unusual displays of the northern lights, the shape of hailstones, or extremes of cold, heat, flooding or drought, especially in as much as such events disrupted normal everyday life, were …

St Kilda: Extreme Weather on the Edge of the World

  St Kilda: an island community’s perception of weather St Kilda is an isolated archipelago forty-one miles west-northwest of North Uist in the North Atlantic Ocean comprising the islands of Hirta, Soay, Boreray and Dun, as well as several sea stacks, and are the westernmost islands of the Outer Hebrides of Scotland. It is an interesting …