April 22, 2012, by Ben Hunte
From Malaysia, With Love
“A nation of warm loving people, rejoice in a safe sunny place..
We welcome you, to share our land, salaam alaikum to you my friend.” – Malaysia Truly Asia
Selamat Datang ke Malaysia!
My name’s Ben Hunte, I’m a Psychology & Cognitive Neuroscience student at the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus. I’m at the university on a full scholarship, with a yearly allowance to ‘experience Asia,’ and I am most definitely making the most of this awesome opportunity!
I absolutely love to write! Since falling in love with the Adrian Mole series during A Levels, I’ve been writing a daily diary in a similarly dramatised but much lengthier style. My entries allow me to look back at my life and crack-up/tear-up at all of the things that I’ve gone through, and overcome. Being given this blog is like a dream come true for me, because now all of my very vocal ‘jungle updates’, which I’ve been told are pretty entertaining, can be condensed into one well thought out entry per week. Here we go!
When I first found out about the University of Nottingham offering a scholarship to study at their Malaysia Campus, I jumped onto Youtube, in an effort to find out more about this life-changing opportunity. Whilst I couldn’t find many student videos about the university itself, or those that I did find were many years old and pretty irrelevant, what I was met with was a rather cheesy song called “Visit Malaysia,” which preached the joys of being in this tropical paradise.. To many people, it would have just been another begging advert, but to me, with my undercover love of awful tunes, it was like my soul was being serenaded. Needless to say, I put that song straight onto my iPhone, blasted it in my car, learned every single lyric, and completely fell in love with ‘Malaysia Truly Asia,’ before I had even been there.
Over the next few days, I started falling less in love with my confirmed UK university choice (which at the time, was in the UK Top 3), and more for this institution in the middle of the jungle, which I knew almost nothing about. I informed my parents, who I noticed had become accustomed to mumble “Oh that’s nice, Benj..” to all my wild and crazy plans over the years, and I informed my partner, who was obviously surprised by the news that I was essentially rubbishing our uni dreams, but nothing was for certain – yet.
In order to celebrate the absolute joy of A Level results day, a group of my theatrical friends and I decided to drive up to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. After a wild night out, we returned at a ridiculous hour to the mansion that we had rented for the week, where I checked my email, and my student-life changed forever. All I remember reading was the subject line of “congratulations,” and a random bold line reading “we are pleased to offer you the scholarship” before my body took over, and the communal screaming began.
Two weeks later, I was crying my eyes out at Heathrow Airport, but nevertheless sat on a plane heading to Malaysia.
As you can see from the photo, I was pretty excited when I first arrived in Malaysia, and I still am now, a year later. Let’s not lie, of course there have been plenty of emotional moments, usually following lengthy Skype convos with people back home, or from missing family events, but oh my goodness, my life has changed so much since being here, and I wouldn’t trade this experience for anything!
Seeing as we’re so close to the end of this academic year, and I know you’re here to get the goss on everything I’m doing, I’m going to give you a run down of the best experiences I’ve had here, thus far. Hopefully my future blogs will feature a “Ben’s Moment of the Week,” so think of this as a teaser of what’s to come.
Mr & Ms Nottingham 2012.
As of two weeks ago, I am officially “Mr Nottingham 2012”!!!
It was an absolutely awesome experience. Before that crown reached my head, there were a good few weeks of auditions, modelling workshops, skipped lectures, dance rehearsals, catwalk rehearsals, and endless hours of planning and perfecting my ‘individual talent.’
I’ve performed at a lot of events on this campus, but this competition was PERSONAL! It was an opportunity for each participant to go on stage, flash their whole personality, and then either get cheered or booed in return.. utterly ruthless. From disco-ing down the catwalk in an afro and aviators, to performing my Bollywood extravaganza, with backing dancers, confetti and much hilarity, I gave it my all. I even managed to squeeze a cheeky ac cappella performance of ‘Malaysia Truly Asia’ into the questions section… watch this space for videos!
One of the beauties of being in this country for uni is the opportunity to travel so much. Even as I’m writing this, I’m lying on a beach, under the light of a sunset that actually looks like a postcard photo.
Before my tutor reads this and has a go at me for not managing my time properly, I do actually have my textbooks in front of me! As nice as these breathtaking, wonderful, unimaginable weekend getaways are, revision must always come first (I hope that sounded convincing).
Expect to read an awful lot about my travelling escapades in future blog posts, as my bestie, Eiman, and I made a pact at the start of the year to not be on campus a single weekend.
For those stuck in freezing lands, depressed by gloomy weather, I’ll try to lay off of the adjectives so you don’t get too jealous.
If you know me, you know that the Performing Arts represent a big part of the ‘Ben Hunte Experience.’
Two things that I could genuinely not live without are singing and acting (but not so much dancing – I dare not embarrass myself in front of my partner, who studies dance at uni). I know all performers says this, and every single cringeworthy TV talent show contestant, but my life literally revolves around the stage.
Last semester I managed to score an internship as an assistant-teacher at an international school in KL, which allowed me to help out in drama classes, as well as take an active role in organising the christmas school play. As yet, UNMC doesn’t have a Performing Arts society, but it most definitely will next semester! My planning has begun, so bring on the Tony Award worthy productions! Fade to blackout.
Learning about all things “Psychology!”
Slight cheese, but it is my degree choice so it had to get a mention. The lectures, the academic staff, the facilities, the multiple choice exams (..I KNOW!!!), I am loving my degree. It’s that time of the year when I’m seriously wishing I worked a bit harder earlier on, but everybody says that I’ll learn from these horrible moments, so it’s fine!
Now that we’re up to speed, I’m looking forward to sharing my journey with you all, and will see you next Sunday to talk about my trip this weekend, and any other business occurring in Malaysia Truly Asia!
Feel free to ask me any questions, and leave any comments in the section below
While Malaysia has received enormous praise within this post, I would like to add a comment about one of Malaysia’s highest pride and joy – food.
Sure, Malaysia boasts some of the nicest islands and beaches in the world but food is something Malaysia takes pride in, and some places that you like to go to (Penang) could be considered the food capital of Malaysia. And then of course, there’s campus food…which is on a scale of 1 – 10 with Penang food being 10, campus food would probably rank about -1.
Overall, the blog post does give a lovely perspective on Malaysia but WHAT ABOUT THE FOOD YO????????
Rest assured, the food available here plays a HUGE part in my love for Malaysia! INCLUDING CAMPUS FOOD, which isn’t that bad.. In fact, once I find something I enjoy eating on campus, you’ll find me eating it every day for a month or two. No doubt this week’s blog on Penang will include a lot about food – so you’ve got that to look forward to!
Thank you for this post, Ben. I am very interested in studying in Malaysia and this post has made UNMC more appealing to me. Will definitely look into applying there now. Best of luck bro. 🙂
Thank you for reading! If you need any more info about applying to UNMC, feel free to ask me, or use the links on the right side of the screen. Hope to see you on campus in the near future!
Wow! Sounds interesting, wasn’t it a huge culture shock from the UK?
Great post! Adrian Mole, eat your heart out.
Great work Ben, this post makes me want to be a student again!
glad you had your textbooks in front of you!
I love this!! My colleague forwarded it to me with a note saying it would be right up my street – and it is. Love hearing about your experiences. Keep writing it.
Finally got to read the blog son. Excellent. Ok got to do the dad thing. Are you sure you have enough time, at this time of year to write blogs and also achieve serious study time for exams. Ok dad thing over. Happy to hear you are having a good time, as i already know, from our conversations on skype and ting. Good work on the blog. No excellent work on the blog. Lots of Love. Talk soon.
Loved reading this post and I’ve recently been thinking about applying to UNMC for this coming September, is there any other possible way I could get in contact with you aside from the comments? 🙂 It’d be so much help! I’m about to graduate next month so yeahh!
Thanks for reading! Feel free to message me as many questions as you want on facebook (facebook.com/bhunte). I’ll try to answer everything myself, but can always forward you to the right people if I think they can inform you better 🙂
Hey Ben,
Feels really good to read your blog….good job!!
Malaysia Campus looks quite interesting, I am currently a year 2 student of nottingham china…..looking forward to see you soon next year….I am awarded an exchange to Malaysia campus for the second semester i.e. feb 2013…..
See you soon…..
love your blog, has inspired me to continue with mine which is not that entertaining but nonetheless, thanks bro for sharing your moments with us. :3 also you have made me more sure of going to UNMC for a foundation programme 😀
oh and howw on earth did you manage to get a friggin 100% scholarship, tell me more? =D
Thanks so much! The Foundation programmes here are seriously good. All of my housemates completed one before continuing on to their degrees, so if you want to know anything, feel free to ask away! As for my scholarship, I’m here to reveal to the world all of the amazing things that can be done at UNMC & in Malaysia, so I guess I was just the right person to do that haha 🙂
hahah yea there are a bunch of questions i wanna ask you,, can i know your facebook id? i’ll msg you if thats ok 🙂 i seriously need some guidance! 🙂
No problem at all! You can contact me at facebook.com/bhunte
Peace out 🙂
bennnnnn! i inboxed you this lengthy message a few days ago on fb, would be awesome if you reply to it! 🙂