December 25, 2013, by Helen Whitehead

Advent calendar #25: Using your Christmas leftovers

Sarah Speight writes: we have just finished running the ‘NOOC’ – the Nottingham Open Online Course, ‘Perspectives on Sustainability’. This is an internal University of Nottingham version of the Futurelearn MOOC, ‘Sustainability, Society and You’ that starts on January 6th.

Our students have been carrying out audits of their domestic waste. While most of them talk about the amount of packaging and tissue paper they find in their bins, their greatest concern is about food waste. They are all thinking about how they can reduce this and, for most of them, it is about buying less, forward planning, and rebalancing their ‘take-away’, ‘eat-out’ and ‘cook at home’ routines. What they are not talking about is ‘recycling’ leftover food to create additional meals.

I guess many of them don’t know how to do this.

Well, at this time of the year we are bombarded with recipes for using Christmas leftovers and many of these ideas are relevant all year round. I did a quick internet search and found many useful sites. I may well try the ‘Leftover veg and orange cake’ from BBC Good Food:

If you have a tried and tested recipe for food leftovers at any time of the year, why not share it with us here?

Posted in Advent calendarFoodMOOCMOOC TeamSustainabilitywaste