Teaching Transformation Programme Tweets
April 23, 2015
Teaching Transformation Programme Conference – April 2015, University of Nottingham This is a record of the tweets that were exchanged during the University of Nottingham TTP conference in April 2015. Introductions and Welcomes Claire Chambers@Claires_tweet Has arrived at #ttpuon15 looking forwards to an interesting event Thu, Apr 23 2015 08:01:24 ReplyRetweetFavorite Wyn Morgan@WynMorgan8 @GabrieleNeher yes …
#NUBSAMMC – Combining Teaching with Twitter in the Business School
February 16, 2015
Convention dictates that students put their phones away during lectures, but this rule isn’t quite so applicable in Dr Robert Cluley’s sessions due to his use of Twitter as a tool to facilitate and enhance communication and the sharing of resources with and amongst students. Convening an undergraduate Advertising and Marketing module in the Business School, …
Digital Spaces Workshop
May 2, 2014
Video >> Roger Kerry talks about his use of twitter in teaching at the Using Space and Technology to Enhance Learning event 2nd May 2014. Session abstract: This session explored the nature of social media in modern learning models, and considered how virtual space should be seen as a valid environment in which deep learning …
The TWEED Project
March 6, 2014
Roger Kerry and Natasa Lackovic: “The TWEED (Twitter in Education) project ran between 28th August 2012 and 16th December 2013 and used a mixed methods approach to explore the educational value and utility of using the social micro-blogging site Twitter in higher education. We believed that peer-level social interaction would develop deep and sustained meaningful …
“Please turn on your mobile phones” – ubiquitous computing in the classroom
January 30, 2007
Mette Asmild, Andrew Jackson, Benson Lau and Nick Mount: “The adoption of the mobile telephone has revolutionised social and commercial communication in the 21st Century. Whilst it is estimated that the majority of students in British higher-education (HE) use mobile-‘phones and text/SMS-messaging, the learning benefits of adopting and supporting mobile ‘phone text-messaging communication from students …