Idiomatic language in teaching

Video >> Mike Clifford, Faculty of Engineering: “I remember one particular incident, I do some lectures on composite materials, and there was a lot of terminology in there that’s, some of it’s quite colloquial, so I’ve had students, particularly some Erasmus students, some French students asking me after the lecture, you know, can I go …

Tutorials: participation and creativity using nominal group technique

Video >> David Clarke, School of Psychology: “I’ve got several kind of set piece formats which I use. One of them is something that comes out of the literature on psychology and related disciplines, it’s called nominal group technique and it’s designed as a way of getting a group of people who don’t particularly know …

Perceptions of first year undergraduates of facilitated and non-facilitated small group learning environments

Kevin Gough, Karl Klisch, Rachael Tarlinton and Lisa Yon: “Student-centered learning is of growing importance within Higher Education and increasingly includes student-led as well as facilitated small group learning environments. The School of Veterinary Medicine and Science has adopted both of these approaches, with students undertaking facilitated clinical relevance (CR) and non-facilitated directed group learning …

The role of practicals in an integrated curriculum

Video >> Sarah Freeman:  “The way that the curriculum is organised, we have a small number of lectures, they will have three cases that they’ll work through during the week, and then we try and theme the week and the skills and the practicals and the lectures, everything around that. “So the cases illustrate again …

Involving qualified professionals in lab-based practicals

Video >> Video playing: “The equipment you will need is clippers, swabs, antisceptic scrub and surgical spirit, methods of restraining the horse, clean sterile bottles of local anaesthetic, sterile needles, and sterile syringes. Nerve blocks involve the injection of local anaesthetics…” Sarah: “We have some people who volunteer to come along and some people that we …

Learning communication skills from groupwork in practical sessions

Video >> Video playing: “You should always clip before performing an ultrasound examination. Air and dirt trapped within the animal’s coat will interfere with the transmission of ultrasound and prevent you obtaining diagnostic images.” Sarah: “They work in groups through quite a lot of the practicals so a number of the skills that they have …

Demonstrating practical skills to large groups using an overhead visualiser

Video >> Sarah Freeman: “We start almost all of our practical classes off with some sort of demonstration showing the students where they’re supposed to be looking at things, what they’re supposed to be doing, and then allow them to go and spend the time working, working it out for themselves.” Sarah demonstrating with the …

Giving feedback on practical sessions via a podcast

Video >> Sarah Westwater-Wood: “In the Therapeutics Studies module I teach three groups the same thing every week and they’re two hour long lectures and it’s quite intensive delivery of manual skills and underpinning knowledge. When I finish the week’s practical sessions I realise that there are common things that I want to feed back …

Making a podcast of a lecture: recording and uploading to WebCT

Video >> Andrew: “This is the podcasting kit we use in lectures. It’s pretty bulky. This is what I just picked up from the learning and teaching resource and support people. This is the main kit and these are just the wires to plug it in, which I’ll do. “So that’s plugged in and on. …

Video demonstrations of common laboratory techniques address student diversity and limited lab time

Sally Chappell and Paddy Tighe: “When people start the MSc in Molecular Diagnostics they come with quite varied levels of experience. Some of our students have been working in industry or a related area for maybe a year or two years, so they’re quite comfortable with lab techniques, whilst others come straight from a degree …