TTP School of Chemistry: improving the student experience of assessment and feedback
April 23, 2015
In recognition of the complex and multifaceted nature of the student experience of assessment, the project comprises a range of areas of activity. The primary focus is on enhancing student and staff assessment literacy. Staff assessment literacy is of paramount importance in order to achieve consistency in the application of good practices across the school. …
Reviewing the 3rd Year in the School of English
April 20, 2015
Professor Jo Guy: “One of the things we’ve been told consistently by our external examiners is that we have some of the best feedback they’ve seen—the ‘gold standard’; yet this judgment is not reflected in NSS surveys. So we’ve had this problem of not being able to understand why, despite putting a great deal of …
Assessment & Feedback – Dr Neil Hughes, School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies
March 24, 2015
Dr Neil Hughes discusses an example of an assessment strategy, its key features, the implementation in a programme and the impact on NSS over a period of two years. Dr Hughes is the Director of Modern Language Teaching at CLAS (UoN). This talk was given as part of the ‘Assessment strategies that work’ event, held at …
Improving NSS assessment and feedback scores at UCL – Dr Teresa McConlogue (Life and Medical Sciences, UCL)
Video >> Dr Teresa McConlogue discusses cases at UCL where they have reviewed programmes of study and addressed “hygiene factors” with demonstrable improved results on ensuing NSS. Dr McConlogue is a Senior Teaching Fellow at University College London working in the School of Life and Medical Sciences This talk was given as part of the “Assessment strategies …
Professor Alan Ford: Strategy 2020 and the Teaching and Learning Agenda
March 11, 2015
Strategy 2020 has set out a clear vision for the university as an inspiring place of learning. Amongst the core principles underpinning this vision are commitments to “put students at the heart of the University” and to “value all staff and support them to excel”. Congratulations to those 30+ colleagues who have recently gained Senior Fellow and …