Curriculum review conference

Dr Anna Betram: “Kay Bond discussed her curriculum review project for Faculty of Engineering courses. The learning outcomes for each course and module were established by considering the requirements of the governing bodies and following input from module convenors. In conjunction with the Medical School and Information Services software was developed to map learning outcomes …

Sustainability in and through curriculum

Video >> Dr Sarah Speight: “Nottingham is currently running a ‘NOOC’ (Nottingham Open Online Course) called ‘Perspectives on Sustainability’. This is an interdisciplinary course that can be taken for credit towards the Nottingham Advantage Award. It developed from an externally-funded project to develop open educational resources on specific disciplines: Geography, Engineering, Arts and Humanities and …

Finding common ground: a Humanities perspective

Video >> Dr Neil Sinclair: “Too often academic disciplines are isolated in their own methodological approaches. This is a shame, since all academic work aims at increasing human understanding of the world, and insofar as different perspectives add to that understanding, talking multiple perspectives on a problem should be encouraged. But how is it best …

Delivery and assessment of a coherent professional degree

Video >> Dr Liz Mossop and Kate Cobb: “The Nottingham veterinary curriculum is integrated both vertically and horizontally. It is complex to deliver and alignment is crucial both in terms of student learning and accreditation processes. The school has therefore developed audit processes to ensure a coherent curriculum is delivered and that assessment aligns with …

Student experience investments in the School of Computer Science

Video >> Dr Max Wilson: “This talk describes three key initiatives that the School of Computer Science has invested in, with the primary focus of encouraging engagement in the curriculum, but though methods beyond delivering lectures, labs, and tutorials. The three initiatives are: 1) our Guru scheme – as a peer mentoring style framework tailored …

Internationalisation and student engagement

Video >> Prof. Cousin drew on her recent work to highlight the impact of internationalisation on curriculum review and teaching practice, and to outline approaches to improving student engagement. She reviewed the concept of global citizenship and its synergy with the notion of critical being that most HE courses aim to engender in their students. …

Beyond employability and the market: envisaging curriculum change in the new higher education environment

Video >> Dr John Holmwood: “The session addresses issues arising from the ‘over-interpretation’ of employability as a desirable outcome of undergraduate education. Applications for undergraduate degrees in sociology and social policy have fallen nationally at the same time as the core and margin system have created a highly competitive environment in the upper margin. In …

A mechanism for optimising curriculum development and teaching

Video >> Dr Kay Bond: “In common with many units across the University, the Faculty of Engineering faces a number of significant challenges, amongst which maintenance of high quality teaching and excellent student experience in the face of efficiency savings rank highly. Additional, engineering-specific, challenges come from the need to respond positively and professionally to …