Barriers to e-learning uptake

Video >> Tony Fisher: “I think, probably, the key issue, for me at least, would have been the fact that different parts of the school were moving at very different speeds, and consequently, we’d got pockets of innovation and pockets where e-learning wasn’t really being taken up.” Gordon Joyes: “And what we ended up discovering from …

Storytelling and role play in developing communication skills

Video >> Interviewer: “I know it’s something that you’ve been interested in for a number of years is the role of storytelling in teaching. Could I ask you to say a few words about that?” Paul: “Yeah, a few years ago now I wrote a book, with my wife Rhiannon, Storytelling in Therapy, which was …

Bringing research into the classroom

Video >> Paul Crawford: “In terms of health communication, I’ve worked over a number of years now to ensure that new evidence about how to communicate with patients is put before our students as well as developing too research knowledge nationally and internationally. “The key thing for me is that if we’re teaching health communication …

Preparing for using a student response system in your lecture

Video >> Interviewer: “So how do you actually do it?” Andrew: “OK, there’s some software you can download and basically it runs in conjunction with Powerpoint. So you run your Powerpoint presentation and then it’ll just give you an option of “Insert chart”, and then you can insert the type of chart you want and …

Using student response systems to improve interaction in lectures

Video >> Andrew Fisher, Philosophy: “Before, I was doing showing of hands in my modules, which is OK, but people are reticent sometimes to be seen, especially if the subject is quite controversial. So if I asked about fox hunting and there’s one person who thinks its OK they’re less likely to put their hands …

Vague expectations and diverse preferences: a study of undergraduate students at Nottingham University Business School

Mohsen Derregia: “The increased number of students in higher education has coincided with a shift towards seeing students as ‘customers’ who should have their expectations fulfilled to be satisfied. A number of studies have looked at student expectation about methods of education, such as lectures and seminars in the hope of identifying some factors that …

Do we select the right students? Analysis of the 1st year performance of students selected through a multi component interview procedure

Michael Jones, Nigel Kendall, Cyril Rauch and Sabine Totemeyer: Introduction: “Applications for vocational courses such as veterinary medicine far exceed the number of places available. In 2006 the School of Veterinary Medicine and Science (SVMS) had 840 applications for 95 places. The course at SVMS differs from more traditional courses delivered at other institutions: The …

Introducing podcasting and WebCT: implications for dyslexic students

Video >> Richard: “It’s the second year of Biogeography teaching that I’ve been doing now for 6 years, and the lectures, like most lectures, they change a bit. But the core of them stays much the same, and to be quite frank I was getting a little bit bored of saying the same sorts of …

Purposes of student-led seminars: development of transferable skills

Video >> Kate: “Hi Nick, thanks very much for coming over from the School of History.” Nick Thomas, History: “That’s OK.” Kate: “I wanted to ask you about seminars and seminar teaching. What is it you actually want your students to gain from participating in seminars?” Nick: “A number of different skills. We look to …

Setting up seminars for productive learning

Video >> Kate: “How to help students effectively prepare for seminars bearing in mind that there’s this wide set of skills which we want them to develop?” Nick Thomas, History: “I think it depends on the format, and I think it depends on how the seminars are done. Certainly the seminars that I run, there …