April 14, 2008, by Teaching at Nottingham

Bringing research into the classroom

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Paul Crawford: “In terms of health communication, I’ve worked over a number of years now to ensure that new evidence about how to communicate with patients is put before our students as well as developing too research knowledge nationally and internationally.

“The key thing for me is that if we’re teaching health communication we must give students every chance to do the best type of work with their patients in the future.

“So my style of teaching is all about bringing in the benefits of new knowledge that I’ve been developing with colleagues here at Nottingham, in the Health Language Research group, and moving that into the classroom.

“The way I do that is to look at a rounded approach where we adopt different teaching strategies for the student. Students learn in different ways, and in health communication you need to utilise all those different preferences to the benefit of the student.

Teaching session

Paul: “How we communicate is incredibly important, because the communication that you deliver will say a lot about how you care for other people. OK?

“So that’s the broad aim today, is how we do that in verbal and non-verbal communication. I want to describe today, or get to a point where you can describe the notion of being person-centred. How can we be person-centred in the care that we give?

“And I’ll draw upon here the “Brief Ordinary and Effective” model that myself, Dr Brown from De Montfort and Paul Bonham here developed. This is a new model for how to communicate in health care and it informed the Chief Nursing Officer’s recent review.”

Paul Crawford
School of Nursing, Midwifery & Physiotherapy.

Paul is teaching Year 1 Diploma/ BSC (Hons) students as part of the Health Communication Theme that runs across modules of the Common Foundation Programme at Level 1. This session took place within the Nursing Concepts and Skills for Practice 1 module. Produced April 2008.
This video was originally published as part of PESL’s Teaching at Nottingham collection.

Posted in Research-informed teaching