Exam preparation

Video >> Students talk about how they organise their revision, check their learning, and prepare to take exams. Visit the University’s Studying Effectively website for more on learning at University.

Citing and plagiarism

Video >> The student take on ways to improve your citing and referencing performance through better note-taking and understanding when you need to acknowledge the source of ideas. Visit the University’s Studying Effectively website for more on learning at University.

Feedback and its benefits

Students describe the feedback they’ve been getting and how learning from the feedback on one piece of work helps with improving performance on the next piece. Visit the University’s Studying Effectively website for more on learning at University.

Improving feedback quality and students’ use of feedback.

Dr Jo Robinson describes how she, and colleagues, give feedback to students via audio commentaries on their essays and how students make use of that feedback in future work. Dr Jo Robinson, School of English. This interview was carried out as part of the Study Skills project, run by Kim Lawson in Academic Support.

Enhancing student presentation skills

Dr Karen Kilby: “The Department of Theology and Religious Studies identified a need to help UG students build their confidence and gain experience in making presentations. “In order to achieve these aims it set out to develop a 10 credit presentation module as part of its second year curriculum. The purpose of the module is …

Assessment “as” (not “of”) learning

Dr Matt Green:  “As a lecturer with a longstanding interest in the contributions that technology can make to teaching, as well as a member of the University’s own Assessment in the Digital Age working group back in 2010, it was fantastic to see the conference topic generating such momentum and enthusiasm. The day’s discussions were …

Engaging students with their feedback

Prof. Katharine Reid:  “Stephen Marshall gave various motivations for changing the way we assess student work and was very clear that it was important to be able to demonstrate that the changes had delivered improvements.  In terms of staff workload this can easily be achieved, but in terms of the factors that impact on student …

Seeing the bigger picture

Sarah Seeley:  “In my capacity of Examinations Manager (on-line exams) I was looking forward to the Assessment in the Digital Age Conference and saw it as an opportunity to meet staff across the University and talk about implementation and support and get a better perspective of how I fit in. “As my focus is summative …

Verifying a student’s learning as part of staged progression on placement

Video >> Pam: “I think people have a possible idealistic view of what nursing is really about and then the placement actually teaches them what it really is about. And I think without a placement of any kind, without any practical experience, I don’t think as a qualified Nurse, you would be able to function or …

Giving constructive feedback and setting clear targets

Video >> Pam: “Right at the beginning we sit down, we work through what they – the goals they want to achieve and how they’re going to achieve them, and how they’re going to achieve the competencies, and basically today is to make sure that they are going to achieve their goals.” Alison: “They’ll point …