April 23, 2015, by Teaching at Nottingham

Teaching Transformation Programme Tweets

Teaching Transformation Programme Conference – April 2015, University of Nottingham

This is a record of the tweets that were exchanged during the University of Nottingham TTP conference in April 2015.

  1. Introductions and Welcomes
  2. Has arrived at #ttpuon15 looking forwards to an interesting event
  3. And the Annual @UniofNottingham Teaching and Learning Conference is underway. it’s so busy, we have RUN OUT OF COFFEE #ttpuon15
  4. Looking forward to a day of knowledge sharing with Uni wide colleagues and global education royalty #ttpuon15 http://t.co/JNKv9u2AZo

    Looking forward to a day of knowledge sharing with Uni wide colleagues and global education royalty #ttpuon15 pic.twitter.com/JNKv9u2AZo
  5. Starting off #ttpuon15 by picking whether I’m interested in curriculum / assessment, academic development or learning technology. All 3!
  6. @UoNBioscicareer Glad you’re there reading them 🙂 Follow the #ttpuon15 hashtag for all the conference tweets
  7. Good thing: conference is packed and seating is a squeeze. Bad thing: if there is a fire I am going to be in trouble… #ttpUoN15
  8. To colleagues at the #ttpuon15 have a great day. Sadly we can’t be with you – we’ll be following in Twitter
  9. Intrigued by the idea of customised textbooks from @BlackwellsUofN – definitely one to think about! #ttpuon15
  10. Inspiring to be around and listen to @UniofNottingham people who have the student at the heart of all that they do #ttpuon15 #userneeds
  11. I love these types of events where I get to learn from colleagues from other Faculties. Common problems coming out #ttpuon15
  12. Very topical #ttpuon15 conference bag- happy Birthday William Shakespeare!! http://t.co/kDPTSXtle1

    Very topical #ttpuon15 conference bag- happy Birthday William Shakespeare!! pic.twitter.com/kDPTSXtle1
  13. Welcome from Prof. Alan Ford
  14. PVC Alan Ford taking the floor to open #ttpuon15 - it's a pleasingly full room AND we are linked to UNNC and UNMC too http://t.co/r0uLjrqzBq

    PVC Alan Ford taking the floor to open #ttpuon15 – it’s a pleasingly full room AND we are linked to UNNC and UNMC too pic.twitter.com/r0uLjrqzBq
  15. Moving tribute to a colleague lost recently #ttpuon15. Very apt.
  16. Keynote – Prof. Ranald MacDonald, Sheffield Hallam University: “Not more change! Encouraging conversations and collaborations to promote the emergence of change for the better.”
  17. ‘The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled’ – Plutarch 127AD #ttpuon15 @GuardianEdu #education @getintoteaching
  18. Teaching and learning don’t always go together! I can learn without being taught #ttpuon15
  19. One of the first strategies to consider – cut the curriculum content! #ttpuon15
  20. "It's said that #students only remember 5% of what they are taught...starting lectures at 8am doesn't help" #ttpuon15 http://t.co/YNQ0HXBQ8A

    “It’s said that #students only remember 5% of what they are taught…starting lectures at 8am doesn’t help” #ttpuon15 pic.twitter.com/YNQ0HXBQ8A
  21. .@AngeliqueBodart my thought was “is that on the day I get them at the end of their 9-6 day?”! #ttpuon15
  22. #ttpuon15 @UoN_Pharmacy Prof Ranald Macdonald ‘cut content by a third, and spend time understanding and applying it’ lessons for pharmacy?
  23. Macdonald drawing on interesting material from Stephen Brookfield,especially- ‘skilful teaching is whatever helps students learn’ #ttpuon15
  24. “Skilful teachers adopt a critically reflective stance towards their practice – using whatever helps students learn” Brookfield #ttpuon15
  25. Do our students know why they are learning certain information and can they apply to their every day life #ttpuon15
  26. What a shame video feed to encourage international collaboration but no hand outs over there #ttpuon15
  27. Macdonald emphasises the fact that learning is most successful if the ‘why’ of a particular task is clearly explained and set out #ttpuon15
  28. “Do the students know why they are learning things” #ttpuon15 from Prof. Ranald MacDonald
  29. How do students relate what you teach them 2 life? Prof Ranald mcd suggests so important. Seems obvious but not always inacademia #ttpuon15
  30. #PBL – Look the big picture and then specialise #ttpuon15
  31. @Leah_EEE @UniofNottingham well, the pleasing thing here is that demand outstripped availability- the conference is packed!! #ttpuon15
  32. Prof Ranald McD emphasises importance of horizontal integration in first year of HE so that students see ‘the big picture’ YES! #ttpuon15
  33. Time to ingrate modules, not have them as separate entities. #Students need to understand the crossover – problem-based #learning #ttpuon15
  34. Interesting stories from past experiences looking forward to the link to the digital delivery of today #ttpuon15
  35. Hurrah for standing up for collaboration in writing publications Prof Macdonald #ttpuon15
  36. It’s a shame National Teaching fellows don’t get £50k now 🙂 #ttpuon15
  37. Open space facilitation of strategy writing plus appreciative enquiry techniques mentioned by Prof Macdonald #ttpuon15
  38. Think one big challenge I have helping students learn is the timetable. Everyone struggles with class 9-6. Out of my control 🙁 #ttpUoN15
  39. Ranald Macdonald recommending open space technology for development of teaching & learning strategy  http://openspaceworld.org/wp2/what-is-english/ … #ttpUoN15
  40. Prof R M talks about working truly collaboratively with students. If this was his event a student would be speaking. Good point! #ttpuon15
  41. Having a diverse range of students (particularly mature students) really helps all to understand why engineering is relevant 🙂 #ttpUoN15
  42. Top down management doesn’t work
    Perhaps we should all remember #ttpuon15
  43. Academics subverting Instructions from the top … Polite way of saying it 🙂 #ttpuon15
  44. Top down management works great in industry when done well … Why not as much in academia ? #ttpuon15
  45. Interesting didactic stories from Prof. MacDonald for #teaching transformation @UniofNottingham #education #ttpuon15
  46. Good learning happens collaboratively – McDonald #ttpUoN15 agree wholeheartedly
  47. RM has benefitted from taking learning outside the timetable and across the disciplines #ttpUoN15
  48. MacDonald questions the term ‘risk taking’- doing something new is not taking risks, but about learning differently and growing #ttpuon15
  49. Help students to learn, don’t teach them #ttpUoN15
  50. @helenwhd: Don’t be afraid to challenge students’ preconceptions about “you teach me” – no, “I help you learn” #ttpuon15
  51. #ttpuon15 @UoN_Pharmacy Prof Macdonald ‘not paid to teach but to help our students learn’ – how is this best assessed? Feedback? Peer review
  52. #ttpuon15 @UoN_Pharmacy student learning ‘nurturing, weeding and pest control!’
  53. Love that Prof RM knows there is a time to lecture and a time 2 put up pictures 2 stimulate conversation. Great teaching strategy #ttpuon15
  54. What words would you use to describe these pics in terms of implementing #educational change. How we #learn #ttpuon15 http://t.co/6j4IQp3hFJ

    What words would you use to describe these pics in terms of implementing #educational change. How we #learn #ttpuon15 pic.twitter.com/6j4IQp3hFJ
  55. Setting group work where members have to contribute. Sounds obvious, but how often do we actually achieve it and how do we do it? #ttpuon15
  56. #ttpuon15 @UoN_Pharmacy exploring ‘dark matter’ from chaos to complexity ‘not just doing things better, but doing better things’.
  57. Working on the “edge of chaos” should result in change emerging from the complexity. There’s hope for my life after all then! #ttpuon15
  58. Students remember 5% of what they learn after 3 yrs. Prof Ranald McDonald presents a range of inspiring strategies for learning #ttpuon15
  59. “How can you distinguish #student progress within the constraints of grade boundaries?” – Prof Ranald McDonald @GuardianEdu #ttpUoN15
  60. Students study programmes – teachers teach subjects. the big picture!! #ttpuon15
  61. MacDOnald speaking of encouraging coffee bar conversations amongst academics- I am holding that thought #ttpuon15
  62. I am SO in favour of more academic coffee bar conversations! #ttpuon15
  63. @DrClaireMann WITH biscuits, right? A coffee bar conversation implies biscuits? Please? #ttpuon15
  64. @Leah_EEE We need more cross-faculty coffee bars for conversations 🙂 #ttpuon15
  65. Giving #studentfeedback on exams. Yay or nay? Not individual #feedback but general comments on frequent errors #ttpuon15 @UoNEngineering
  66. RM: how do we get students to think like a chemist, historian, vet, rather than knowing about chemistry, history, vet. science? #ttpuon15
  67. Renovation rather than innovation – reflective reassessment of practice – “being a…” rather than ” knowing a lot about…” #ttpuon15
  68. ‘Lecturers teach subjects but #students study programmes. How can we gain better coherence?’ @UniofNottingham @UoNEngineering #ttpuon15
  69. #ttpuon15 @UoN_Pharmacy professional development is about ‘being and becoming rather than knowing’ role on year 4 MPharm
  70. Guess the author of quotes. Another great strategy. Room full of 100+ academics and only 2 called it – Einstein! #ttpuon15
  71. That’s great @GabrieleNeher I like how you take the time to really support #students. Individual #studentfeedback & peer mentoring #ttpuon15
  72. Well, that was a VERY engaging presentation. Good start to the #ttpuon15 conference. Thanks Prof Ranald McDonald. …Now, where’s my tea?
  73. Ever noticed the groups of three during coffee breaks #ttpuon15
  74. How many people do you think are only opening the strategy for the first time today #ttpuon15
  75. Personalised learning IBM have some great ideas IBM 5 in 5: Education:  https://youtu.be/-alkbKQCB8A  #ttpuon15
  76. .@banathe as “teaching focussed” academic would have loved to be asked my views for the strategy… “Treat students like people” #ttpuon15
  77. “When you try to innovate, sometimes people won’t like it and will try to undermine your ideas. How do you deal with that?” #ttpuon15 @UoNSU
  78. #ttpuon15 @UoN_Pharmacy from collaboration to partnership – investing in the personalised learning of our future pharmacists.
  79. The top needs to legitimise what comes from the ground up (Prof Wynn Morgan) #ttpuon15
  80. Status and hierarchy is a massive barrier to implementing change #ttpUoN15
  81. Educational change is tough but that isn’t a reason to avoid it #ttpUoN15
  82. Why do we not collaborate ! Students , professional services , academics all together without the hierarchy #ttpuon15
  83. Crowd sourcing to include more views and opinions #ttpuon15 the new user experience team can help
  84. ‘It’s not wrong to get things wrong (trial & error)’. How do you feel about this as a lecturer? Is innovation dangerous? #ttpuon15 #teaching
  85. Rapid iterations of change are modern day business , why not in academia ? #ttpuon15
  86. Should there be a `student satisfaction amnesty` to encourage greater risk taking in teaching? #ttpuon15
  87. Is it better to sell 1 thing for £100 or a hundred things for £1 the same question as minor change… #ttpuon15
  88. Crowd sourcing to include more views and opinions #ttpuon15 the new user experience team can help
  89. TTP overview – the “tag pecha kucha” presentation (very entertaining – if you weren’t there you missed a treat!)
  90. that is Wynn Morgan Pecha Kucha-ing again #ttpuon15
  91. TTTP team are embarking on a Pecha Kucha presentation… Right, buckle in tight for the ride, yes? #ttpuon15
  92. Some very nervous pecha kucha speakers waiting to “go on” but Wyn thanking them very graciously #ttpuon15
  93. @PechaKucha time! Representatives from each of the departments involved in #ttpuon15 are about to tell us how they’ve encouraged change
  94. This has to be @WynMorgan8 ‘s quote of the day- everybody’s Machu Pichu is different #ttpuon15
  95. “This team is the #satNav for #ttpuon15” and achieving change across @UniofNottingham as part of the Global Strategy 2020
  96. My students already do these types of presentations, didn’t know there was a name for it! #ttpuon15
  97. Electronic course work … Can we get rid of the OHPs then ? #ttpuon15
  98. @GabrieleNeher learnt one new thing for sure today 😉 what’s going to make it into the other 5% that I learn? 😀 #ttpuon15
  99. Best slide of the day goes to Ruth Allen' Pecha Kucha opener #ttpuon15 http://t.co/UPghxFxbVY

    Best slide of the day goes to Ruth Allen’ Pecha Kucha opener #ttpuon15 pic.twitter.com/UPghxFxbVY
  100. No gamification ? Reward based achievement proven winner elsewhere #ttpuon15
  101. Can we bring back the badges in moodle for engagement with the course please? Let’s have a bit of fun with moodle #ttpuon15
  102. Using data to drive change .. About time! #ttpuon15 students want their data to be used to improve what we offer !
  103. Yay it's us! @Moodle Everywhere Mandate - we want staff & #studentfeedback about experiences of using it #ttpuon15 http://t.co/2FFAtvOICj

    Yay it’s us! @moodle Everywhere Mandate – we want staff & #studentfeedback about experiences of using it #ttpuon15 pic.twitter.com/2FFAtvOICj
  104. The media guys are really good would be great to see them used more to generate repeatable content #ttpuon15 increased contact time …
  105. Mooc and Nooc are great to gain an initial understanding of a subject , why not mix them with conventional teaching #ttpuon15
  106. Is the data from Nooc and moocs shared or reviewed ? #ttpuon15
  107. NOOCs MOOCs to generate interest in research areas….Been saying this as an interesting way to think about dissemination #ttpuon15
  108. Now I know who I need to speak to a about making a second #mooc 😀 *excited* #ttpuon15
  109. Think that communication with the public and outreach should be more recognised in promotion structure #ttpuon15
  110. We’ll miss you @WynMorgan8. Opportunities for cross-uni collaboration now though! 😉 #ttpuon15
  111. The TTP and Online Learning
  112. #ttpuon15 now breaking into parallel workshops for the afternoon. I am in Sarah Speight’s NOOC and MOOC session
  113. Cecilia Goria opening the session with a presentation on a new NOOC developed in the School of CLAS focusing on language teaching #ttpuon15
  114. OPEN in MOOC or NOOC can mean free, no pre-requisites, open pedagogy and/or open educational resource #oer #ttpuon15
  115. Goria speaks of the comparative rarity of language MOOCs; UoN model seeks to combine language and culture elements #ttpuon15
  116. “Some of the things we’re doing Is radical, radical for @UniofNottingham” – Ruth Allen #ttpuon15
  117. Now here is a question- have all the tweeters drifted into the technology session? #ttpuon15
  118. Check out tweets from @trgpharm at the @UniofNottingham Teaching Transformation Programme conference #ttpuon15
  119. Listening to Goria – the model she outlines is used for learning Mandarin here at @UniofNottingham but their platform is WeChat #ttpuon15
  120. Are apps starting to move into the same area as NOOCs/ MOOCS? Apps are potentially more transportable? #ttpuon15
  121. Staff development starts with interaction between them, discussion of experiences of new initiatives and why the do/don’t engage #ttpuon15
  122. Such an elegant design for a Spanish language and culture SNOOC addressing diff exp levels from @CeciliaGoria #ttpuon15
  123. Cecillia Goria stressing the importance of product design and journey in MOOCs #ttpuon15
  124. Landa-Silva talks on using Moodle for engaging students in a Computing Professional Ethics Module #ttpuon15
  125. Peer Assisted Study Support. Getting students to evaluate their studying approach in ways that work for them @UoNMaths #ttpuon15 @UoNMathSoc
  126. @GabrieleNeher I have. Is it just me or does anyone else picture a SNOOC as some kind of cute smurf-like creature? #ttpuon15
  127. Dario Landa-Silva confessing to being a Moodle enthusiast 🙂 #ttpuon15
  128. @helenwhd: “Dario Landa-Silva confessing to being a Moodle enthusiast :)” Yep, there are a few of us around 🙂 #ttpuon15
  129. @helenwhd: Dario Landa-Silva confessing to being a Moodle enthusiast 🙂 #ttpuon15” me too 🙂
  130. Dr Dario Landa-Silva outlining a CS module that sounds like the perfect intro to understand how to work in tech #ttpuon15
  131. Landa-Silva now showcasing his approach to Moodle. The elegance and simplicity is striking, as is his common-sense approach #ttpuon15
  132. Dario reports students like Moodle modules with single page, no folders, one section per week, organised to help revision #ttpuon15
  133. Dario puts weeks in reverse order so latest material is at the top – simple success! #ttpuon15
  134. Dario answers student questions in Moodle – saving all those repetitive to and fro emails with students #ttpuon15
  135. What makes landa-Silva’s approach to Moodle work is that for his teaching, Moodle is an integral resource= blended learning #ttpuon15
  136. @helenwhd I also like the fact that this would surely roll-over too and build up a FAQ? #ttpuon15
  137. Dario uses labels 2 reveal information at appropriate time for discussion & Moodle feedback lets analysis be shown immediately #ttpuon15
  138. @helenwhd responding to his users needs-a digital approach to digital delivery #ttpuon15
  139. @GabrieleNeher absolutely! Can use Glossary activity as FAQ once you have the Qs and As #ttpuon15
  140. @groovegenerator you email them “please check the previous answer there” until they get the message 🙂 #ttpuon15
  141. Dario showing very eloquently how Moodle can (and should) be so much more than just a storage area for PowerPoint files. #ttpuon15
  142. Dario Landa-Silva uses tech (Moodle) as a way of engaging, not just to deliver content #ttpuon15
  143. Alas, I will have to leave #ttpuon15 early to transport offspring to birthday party. keep tweeting so I can read abt rest of the afternoon
  144. I think using the new inline contents feature of moodle is a nice way to use folders on moodle #ttpuon15
  145. Any thoughts on how to get students to ask questions in moodle forums rather than in Facebook groups? #ttpuon15
  146. @Leah_EEE I don’t join their FB groups (wasn’t invited!) so they discuss there & post in Moodle (or email) if they still have q. #ttpuon15
  147. Three types of #MOOC: network-based, task-based and content-based – Lane 2012. Best to combine all to get most out of #students #ttpuon15
  148. @CLASUoN teaching on the edge of the curriculum with a NOOC and @UoNComputerSci using Moodle to engage & accredit student learning #ttpuon15
  149. Good introduction to the 'Formatting your module' #training I'm offering to @UoNEngineering. Thanks Dario. #ttpuon15 http://t.co/PT3PnKU7rI

    Good introduction to the ‘Formatting your module’ #training I’m offering to @UoNEngineering. Thanks Dario. #ttpuon15 pic.twitter.com/PT3PnKU7rI
  150. “I don’t think I’m doing anything particularly fancy it’s just about organising” -Dario. Can you speak at my @moodle training pls? #ttpuon15
  151. “Even if some of the tools in @moodle aren’t the best out there students appreciate having everything there in one place” – Dario #ttpuon15
  152. Dario’s using peer assessment with ‘reflective journal’ submissions. Are you using peer assessment and if so how? Online? Offline? #ttpuon15
  153. The TTP and the Student Journey
  154. Peer support – hand-holding (rather than spoon feeding) across a rope bridge to give them the confidence they need to go it alone #ttpuon15
  155. The Enhancing Student Support project @EdinburghUni in 2013 aimed to provide students a framework of guidance & support. Progress? #ttpuon15
  156. Please can we remember a significant number of students come unto year 1 from our Foundation Year, not always from school. Please? #ttpuon15
  157. Great ideas from Stephen Cox for peer support for new students in Maths. Good experience for the peer supporters as well. #ttpuon15
  158. Dr Stephen Cox praises how easy it was to set up a Nottingham @AdvantageAward module for student peer supporters #ttpuon15
  159. Interested to see how much work is involved in making our existing peer mentoring scheme part of the @AdvantageAward #ttpuon15
  160. Ian Kerr – Students do the “men in black” thing and wipe their brains at the end of each year 🙂 How do we stop it happening? #ttpuon15
  161. RT “@careers_chris: move exams to the start of the next academic year?!!” A strategy to prevent end-of-year brain wiping? #ttpuon15
  162. Lots of interest in the Transition NOOC – exciting to start next academic year with prearrival #ttpuon15
  163. The TTP and Curriculum and Assessment
  164. Turnbull discusses vision for the future for civil eng students #ttpuon15
  165. Idea number 3 I’m taking away is looking into Students As Change Agents to develop engineering activities for school outreach #ttpuon15
  166. Final Discussion
  167. Students qn the need for @moodle. @UniofNottingham use it because everything stays there…”what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas” #ttpuon15
  168. @AngeliqueBodart may offer alternative experiences – students not going to experience 1 VLE in the world of work #ttpuon15
  169. @UoNBioscicareer Feedback we’ve received contradicts this – too many systems to get used to, they don’t like navigating away #ttpuon15
  170. @UoNBioscicareer The @UniofNottingham may only have 1 official VLE but the World Wide Web is the one they’ll use in #life & #work #ttpuon15
  171. @AngeliqueBodart @UoNBioscicareer is the next generation going to shape the world of work they enter? Simplicity over complexity #ttpuon15
  172. To what extent should we encourage students to use Facebook – not really professional behaviour? #ttpuon15
  173. @helenwhd: To what extent should we encourage students to use Facebook – not really professional behaviour? #ttpuon15” social tool only!
  174. Facebook acts as the digital equivalent of student conversations in the pub, with questions then posted to staff via Moodle. #ttpuon15
  175. Thanks #ttpuon15 lots of inspiring examples of good practice plus frank discussions about the barriers and how to overcome them
  176. Excellent day at #ttpuon15 – much to think about, thanks to all involved.

Posted in Social mediaTeaching Transformation ProgrammeTTP