April 23, 2015, by Teaching at Nottingham
Teaching Transformation Programme Tweets
Teaching Transformation Programme Conference – April 2015, University of Nottingham
This is a record of the tweets that were exchanged during the University of Nottingham TTP conference in April 2015.
Introductions and Welcomes
@GabrieleNeher yes it is #ttpuon15
Wecolme to the #ttpuon15 conference. Making practical changes to improve #teaching & #learning @UniofNottingham pic.twitter.com/C1LJG01H7J
Like @Claires_tweet: At #ttpuon15 looking forwards to an interesting event
And the Annual @UniofNottingham Teaching and Learning Conference is underway. it’s so busy, we have RUN OUT OF COFFEE #ttpuon15
Looking forward to a day of knowledge sharing with Uni wide colleagues and global education royalty #ttpuon15 pic.twitter.com/JNKv9u2AZo
The #ttpuon15 conf starts. Look forward for #teaching #transformation programme. #meded #education @CAMEI_project
Sadly not at #ttpuon15 so hoping for lots of tweets from @DrClaireMann @Claires_tweet @staconst @katie_fraser @hellyp2012 @careers_chris
@UoNBioscicareer Glad you’re there reading them
Follow the #ttpuon15 hashtag for all the conference tweets
@UniofNottingham @WynMorgan8 thoroughly enjoying speaking to everyone at today’s TTP Conference! #ttpuon15 pic.twitter.com/172oyzxbwg
Intrigued by the idea of customised textbooks from @BlackwellsUofN – definitely one to think about! #ttpuon15
@BlackwellsUofN thanks for the travel mug #ttpuon15
Inspiring to be around and listen to @UniofNottingham people who have the student at the heart of all that they do #ttpuon15 #userneeds
Very topical #ttpuon15 conference bag- happy Birthday William Shakespeare!! pic.twitter.com/kDPTSXtle1
Welcome from Prof. Alan Ford
PVC Alan Ford taking the floor to open #ttpuon15 – it’s a pleasingly full room AND we are linked to UNNC and UNMC too pic.twitter.com/r0uLjrqzBq
Keynote – Prof. Ranald MacDonald, Sheffield Hallam University: “Not more change! Encouraging conversations and collaborations to promote the emergence of change for the better.”
‘The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled’ – Plutarch 127AD #ttpuon15 @GuardianEdu #education @getintoteaching
Prof Ranald McDonald speaking on promoting the emergence of #educational change #ttpuon15 @GuardianEdu @UniofNottingham @SheffieldHallam
.@AngeliqueBodart my thought was “is that on the day I get them at the end of their 9-6 day?”! #ttpuon15
#ttpuon15 @UoN_Pharmacy Prof Ranald Macdonald ‘cut content by a third, and spend time understanding and applying it’ lessons for pharmacy?
Ranald Macdonald recommending open space technology for development of teaching & learning strategy http://openspaceworld.org/wp2/what-is-english/ … #ttpUoN15
Great points to consider from Prof MacDonald #ttpuon15 pic.twitter.com/XweeQz0XXC
Interesting didactic stories from Prof. MacDonald for #teaching transformation @UniofNottingham #education #ttpuon15
#ttpuon15 @UoN_Pharmacy Prof Macdonald ‘not paid to teach but to help our students learn’ – how is this best assessed? Feedback? Peer review
Not too dissimilar to the approach taken by good #career guidance. #ttpUoN15 #teaching #learning @UoNCareers pic.twitter.com/L7Ne2ERrsv
#ttpuon15 @UoN_Pharmacy student learning ‘nurturing, weeding and pest control!’
What words would you use to describe these pics in terms of implementing #educational change. How we #learn #ttpuon15 pic.twitter.com/6j4IQp3hFJ
#ttpuon15 @UoN_Pharmacy exploring ‘dark matter’ from chaos to complexity ‘not just doing things better, but doing better things’.
@DrClaireMann WITH biscuits, right? A coffee bar conversation implies biscuits? Please? #ttpuon15
@Sal_Chappell if there’s biscuits I’m in! #ttpuon15
Giving #studentfeedback on exams. Yay or nay? Not individual #feedback but general comments on frequent errors #ttpuon15 @UoNEngineering
@AngeliqueBodart @UoNEngineering individual written exam feedback has long been standard practice in @UoNHumanities #ttpuon15
‘Lecturers teach subjects but #students study programmes. How can we gain better coherence?’ @UniofNottingham @UoNEngineering #ttpuon15
#ttpuon15 @UoN_Pharmacy professional development is about ‘being and becoming rather than knowing’ role on year 4 MPharm
That’s great @GabrieleNeher I like how you take the time to really support #students. Individual #studentfeedback & peer mentoring #ttpuon15
Personalised learning IBM have some great ideas IBM 5 in 5: Education: https://youtu.be/-alkbKQCB8A #ttpuon15
#ttpuon15 @UoN_Pharmacy from collaboration to partnership – investing in the personalised learning of our future pharmacists.
Do these barriers ring true for you regarding #innovation & bringing about change? #ttpuon15 #Bureaucracy #management pic.twitter.com/Z7afxsxhWN
TTP overview – the “tag pecha kucha” presentation (very entertaining – if you weren’t there you missed a treat!)
The masses ready for TTP pecha kucha. #ttpuon15 pic.twitter.com/vobWoHjTwF
@PechaKucha time! Representatives from each of the departments involved in #ttpuon15 are about to tell us how they’ve encouraged change
This has to be @WynMorgan8 ‘s quote of the day- everybody’s Machu Pichu is different #ttpuon15
@GabrieleNeher learnt one new thing for sure today
what’s going to make it into the other 5% that I learn?
Best slide of the day goes to Ruth Allen’ Pecha Kucha opener #ttpuon15 pic.twitter.com/UPghxFxbVY
#Consistency, #timely & #relevant – this is what should underpin the initiation of #student partnerships @UniofNottingham #ttpuon15 @UoNSU
Yay it’s us! @moodle Everywhere Mandate – we want staff & #studentfeedback about experiences of using it #ttpuon15 pic.twitter.com/2FFAtvOICj
The TTP and Online Learning
“Some of the things we’re doing Is radical, radical for @UniofNottingham” – Ruth Allen #ttpuon15
@UniofNottingham Business School speaking on how they get #students engaged in the #evaluation of #learning activities #ttpuon15
Listening to Goria – the model she outlines is used for learning Mandarin here at @UniofNottingham but their platform is WeChat #ttpuon15
Such an elegant design for a Spanish language and culture SNOOC addressing diff exp levels from @CeciliaGoria #ttpuon15
@GabrieleNeher I have. Is it just me or does anyone else picture a SNOOC as some kind of cute smurf-like creature? #ttpuon15
@Claires_tweet @helenwhd @Sal_Chappell looks to me like we are forming a Moodle subgroup right now…. #ttpuon15
@GabrieleNeher absolutely! Can use Glossary activity as FAQ once you have the Qs and As #ttpuon15
@groovegenerator you email them “please check the previous answer there” until they get the message
Good introduction to the ‘Formatting your module’ #training I’m offering to @UoNEngineering. Thanks Dario. #ttpuon15 pic.twitter.com/PT3PnKU7rI
The TTP and the Student Journey
The Enhancing Student Support project @EdinburghUni in 2013 aimed to provide students a framework of guidance & support. Progress? #ttpuon15
Dr Stephen Cox praises how easy it was to set up a Nottingham @AdvantageAward module for student peer supporters #ttpuon15
Interested to see how much work is involved in making our existing peer mentoring scheme part of the @AdvantageAward #ttpuon15
RT “@careers_chris: move exams to the start of the next academic year?!!” A strategy to prevent end-of-year brain wiping? #ttpuon15
The TTP and Curriculum and Assessment
Final Discussion
@AngeliqueBodart may offer alternative experiences – students not going to experience 1 VLE in the world of work #ttpuon15
@UoNBioscicareer Feedback we’ve received contradicts this – too many systems to get used to, they don’t like navigating away #ttpuon15
@UoNBioscicareer The @UniofNottingham may only have 1 official VLE but the World Wide Web is the one they’ll use in #life & #work #ttpuon15
@AngeliqueBodart @UoNBioscicareer is the next generation going to shape the world of work they enter? Simplicity over complexity #ttpuon15
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