Students talking outside, Malaysia Campus

June 5, 2013, by Teaching at Nottingham

Cross-campus teaching: an admin perspective

Ellen Salway: “I assume that from lots of people’s perspective my reasons for attending stem from the boring side of our HEI world. I’m on board with the exceptional and enriching experience inter campus learning can bring, but I’m afraid my main interest is solidly in ‘how can we get this to work’. I’ve got one foot in the present with Saturn and related systems, and one foot in the future with the Student Lifecycle programme and thinking through our future requirements.

So, Information in and Questions out:

In Out
Modules are notionally identical Assuming some variance is a good idea, how much is allowed? How might we represent something in a system as both the same but different? How might we code such things in the future?
Staff working together to set assessment, both labour saving and ensures questions are appropriate in multiple settings Is there something outside of email which might support this collaboration (also useful for module or course development)? Workflow? Discussion boards? Is there any way to consider this in academic year planning? How can we account for time difference but still ensure parity of assessment?
Credits were associated with participation in online forums What implications for assessment types does this have, or for marking criteria?
Use of multiple systems to deliver (YouTube, Google products etc) How far can/should we seek to make these external systems talk to our own systems, what are the risks/benefits?
Good practice and innovation is happening all round the University Do we know where all such innovative practice is happening? How do we highlight this to students, should there be a section in module specifications comparable to the ‘distinguishing features’ in programme specifications? How do we judge the success/value/appropriateness of these types of modules? How do they fit within our Quality Assurance mechanisms such as Peer observation, SET and SEM?

“No answers as yet, but it is important to keep these inventive cross campus activities to the forefront as we identify the needs of the University as part of Student Lifecycle, especially as they are a need which is unique to this institution.”

Ellen Salway
Academic Services
In March this year, about 50 colleagues gathered to hear from Don Giddings (Engineering), Julie Greensmith (Computer Science) and Duncan Shaw and Mohan Avvari (NUBS), all of whom have experience of teaching across campuses in the UK, China and Malaysia.

Recordings of the event are available at:

Posted in InternationalisationQuality assurance