Meet the new members of the sustainability team
February 9, 2022
Over the past few months we have welcomed three new faces into the sustainability team, so we thought we’d give them the opportunity to introduce themselves and explain what they’re working on to reduce the university’s environmental impact. Amy Hi everyone! My name is Amy, and I joined the UoN Sustainability Team in September 2021 …
Be sustainable for Santa this Christmas
December 22, 2021
Hello and welcome to the latest in a series of blogs on sustainable waste management. My name is Louis and I work for the university’s sustainable waste management provider, Enva. This article provides information on what can and cannot be recycled over Christmas. It is always important to consider the waste hierarchy(see bottom of page) …
Bats make a home in the basement of Lenton Hurst
November 8, 2021
The diverse habitats of our university campuses means they are home to a rich variety of flora and fauna, including seven different species of bat. But one species in particular has literally moved in. In the summer, bats were found roosting in the cellar of the 19th century Lenton Hurst Building. They were discovered when …
COP26: how can the university reach net zero carbon emissions?
November 4, 2021
Following the publication of the University Strategy (2020) and its emphasis on environmental sustainability, the university has set ambitious science-based carbon reduction targets for scope 1 and 2 emissions (predominantly natural gas and grid supplied power use). Reaching net zero Science based targets determine what reduction we need to achieve to deliver ‘our fair share’ …
COP26: how we can all take action to tackle climate change
November 1, 2021
COP26 has begun. Countries have come together to commit to new carbon reduction targets to secure global net zero by 2050 and keep 1.5 degrees within reach. To do this, global carbon emissions need to reduce by 50% by 2030. The message of the conference is clear: We must act now, and act together. This …
Welcome to Recycle Week!
September 23, 2021
Recycle Week runs 20 – 26 September and the theme this year is the Climate Crisis. Recycle Week is the one week per year retailers, brands, waste management companies, trade associations, governments and the media come together to achieve one goal; to galvanise the public into recycling more of the right things, more often. Hello …
Should we care about plastics?
September 8, 2021
At the University of Nottingham, a group of four PhD CDT (Centre for Doctoral Training) students are working on projects related to the chemical and biological recycling of plastic. Our individual projects explore a range of technologies and an array of different types of plastic, but we all have the same goal; to recycle plastic …
Welcome to Zero Waste Week
September 6, 2021
Hello and welcome to Zero Waste Week. My name is Louis and I work for the University’s waste management company, Enva. My role is to offer customer engagement with the aim of increasing knowledge when it comes to sustainability and waste management. This is the first of two blogs focusing on the waste hierarchy. Here …
Beyond No Mow May, Biodiversity at the University of Nottingham: Part 2
August 17, 2021
In a recent blog we explored how biodiversity on our campuses was being enhanced during #NoMowMay. As we passed through #LetItBloomJune and #KneeHighJuly the newly flowered areas have brightened up our campuses and provided food to pollinating insects. The grounds team tell us more. Jubilee Charnock Field wildflower trial In May, a trial began at …
Gamify university carbon-reduction strategies to encourage action, Nottingham University student suggests
July 23, 2021
With global climate temperatures set to increase by 1.5C between 2030 and 2052, we face an urgent need for genuine and sustained change. As a collective, as a species and as a community, individuals and institutions from all areas of society must come together and act to prevent the impending climate change catastrophe, and universities …