July 9, 2015, by sustainablenottingham
University of Nottingham in the Final for Green Gowns 2015 with 4 Initiatives
On 7th July the shortlisted entries for the prestigious Green Gown Awards were announced and it was really pleasing to see 4 projects from The University of Nottingham there. Even more pleasing was the fact that the 4 projects came from such a wide-range of initiatives – with submissions from The Faculty of Engineering, The Faculty of Science, Procurement, Estates and from Enactus Nottingham.
Just being shortlisted is a real achievement given the number of submissions made overall and the competition from universities and colleges across the UK. Over the next few weeks we’ll be preparing our second stage submissions to really show how much of an impact the University is making – overall and within the context of these projects which are:
- Nott Carbon – the Successes of The University’s C
arbon Management Plan over the first 5 years
- Helium – Lost in Space – the fantastic case study of our campus wide helium recycling network across our Faculties of Science and Engineering
- Enactus Nottingham – showcasing our fantastic Empower Malawi, Think for the Future and Recovered projects
- Creative Energy Homes – the living, breathing real low carbon homes we have on campus
Andy Nolan, Director of Sustainability, said “We are really pleased to have been recognised by the judges who have sifted through the submissions for this year’s Green Gown Awards and I am delighted to see the breadth of our achievements across a wide-range of activities here in Nottingham and overseas.”
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