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How to be environmentally mindful at university

While it may not seem like it, there is plenty you – as a university student – can do to be more environmentally conscious. Here are some of the ways in which you can help make our planet a better place; one step at a time. Turn taps and lights off. It’s easy to leave …

University Life According To Emojis

I thought I’d do something fun and lighthearted, and let’s be honest, we all love emojis. They describe our feelings when we don’t quite have the words. A crying cat, a little pixelated robot alien, and a poo with eyes. Magical. This post is university life: according to emojis. I hope you enjoy. The first …

On The Twelfth Day Of Christmas My Uni Gave To Me…

With the first semester over, it’s fair to say these few months have been the strangest, most eventful, but most exciting ones of my 18 years. Seeing it’s Christmas, I thought of nothing better to write about than a nice little festive reflection of those past 12 weeks. I hope you like it, here’s my …