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REMEMBER to do this before you leave for Winter break

LOCK your windows, your doors, your drawers, your little notepads with their tiny silver padlocks. IGNORE if you want to be burgled/have your secrets read.   BID farewell to those you live with. WISH them a merry Christmas, if you are still fond of their personalities.   EAT all of the nonsense inside of your …

A Guide to Overcoming Disorganisation

At the beginning of every term I’ve been at university, I have told myself that this will be the semester that I will be organised. Whether that means keeping on top of my workload, eating regular (normal) meals or sticking to a general ‘life’ schedule, I set out to manage my life to a T. …

The Game of Life

This is my To Do list: We’ve got a lot to do, it is one lump or two? For you our guest, She’s our Guest,  Be our guest!. As you can see I have quite a lot to do. Uni Third year is like playing “life” on level expert, with multiple coursework bosses and low …